Generate Webex App User CSV Import File

Provided the following setting is enabled in the Global Settings, when a Webex App user is added or updated, a CSV file is created and attached to an email message, and sent to specified recipients via the Webex App message service: Generate and send Webex App User CSV file via Webex App message

The CSV file can be imported into Webex App Control Hub to update the users.

Formatted example of CSV file:



This task can also be carried out in bulk.

Generate and Send Webex App User CSV file


  • Enable the following setting in Global Settings: Generate and send Webex App User CSV file via Webex App message

Perform these steps:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Webex App > Generate User CSV Import File.

  2. Choose the relevant hierarchy (the hierarchy of your Webex App users).

  3. Fill out a Recipient Email Address

  4. Click Save

    An email message with a CSV attachment is sent. The CSV file contains the data of all the Webex App users.

    See: Global Settings for an email message example.