E164 Associations ( N to 1 DN )


This topic describes managing single internal numbers associated with a range of E164 numbers.

View Sets of E164 Numbers Associated with One Internal Number

This procedure displays sets of E164 numbers associated with a single internal number (Directory Number - DN).

  1. Go to (default menus) Number Management > E164 Associations (N to 1 DN).

  2. On the E164 Associations ( N to 1 DN ) list, you can filter the list and change the hierarchy by selecting a link in the Located At column.

  3. View details in the table in the list view:



DN Number

The associated internal number.

Located At

The hierarchy of the site where the E164 number range and internal number association was created.

  1. Click an internal number (DN) in the list to view (read-only) details about the sets of E164 numbers that are associated with the internal number.

    • The Primary E164 field shows the E164 number associated to the internal number on the Number Inventory list.

    • The other E164s are indicated as [x] showing that there are more associated E164s to this internal number but their details are only available when opening the specific Number Inventory list.

Associate a Set of E164 Numbers to One Internal Number

This procedure associates multiple E164 numbers to a single internal number at a site. For example, you could associate a set of E164 numbers for the sales department with an attendant’s internal number.

You can also perform association in ranges of 10, 100, and 1000, on a one-to-one basis. These associations create Direct Dial Inward (DDI) associations so that incoming PSTN numbers are routed to internal numbers.

You can optionally specify a primary E164 number to associate with the internal number. This step can be useful when you perform an internal number to E164 translation (for example, when provisioning translation rules for LBO gateways) and the internal number is associated to more than one E164 presentation.


  • To associate numbers, number management must be enabled for the customer.

  • You can only associate internal numbers or E164 numbers that are not currently associated.

  1. Go to (default menu) Number Management > E164 Associations (N to 1 DN).

  2. In the E164 Associations ( N to 1 DN ) list view, click Add.

  3. Choose the site (if required).

  4. Mandatory. From the DN Number* drop-down, choose an internal number.


    • If the association is performed at Customer level, the drop-down only shows internal numbers that were added at Customer level.

    • If the association is performed at Site level, the drop-down shows internal numbers that were added at either Customer or Site level.

    • You can’t associate internal numbers that begin with the prefix ‘*’ (asterisk) or ‘#” (hash).

  1. In the E164 Ranges* group, click + (as many times as required) to add multiple sets of E164 numbers. The E164 numbers do not need to be contiguous. Provide the following information:



E164 Range*

Choose one of these ranges:


The range values you choose map to the mask value when the association translation pattern is created. For example, when 10 is chosen, all E164 numbers and internal numbers that end in 0 are listed. The mask affects all digits 0 to 9, so you can’t start the mask on a non zero number. Likewise, when 100 is chosen, the E164 number and internal end in two zeros. This pattern results in a mask of XX.

  • 1 - To list all E164 numbers

  • 10 - To list all E164 numbers that end in one zero (0)

  • 100 - To list all E164 numbers that end in two zeros (00)

  • 1000 - To list all E164 numbers that end in three zeros (000)

This field is mandatory and affects what appears in the E164 Number field.

E164 Number*

Choose the starting number of E164 numbers. This field is mandatory.


  • If the association is performed at customer level, the drop-down only shows E164 numbers that were added at customer level.

  • If the association is performed at site level, the drop-down contains E164 numbers that were added at either customer or site level provided the country matches the site’s country.

  1. Optional. In the Primary E164 field, fill out the primary E164 number to associate with the internal number. Ensure the E164 number you enter starts with \+ and falls within the range you specified in the E164 Range drop-down.

  2. Click Save.


    • When listing the Number Inventory and displaying an internal number, the E164 number format is as listed in E164 Numbers in the Number Inventory.

    • One or more translation patterns are created on the CUCM. The translation patterns are the mappings between the set of E164 numbers and the single internal number, and are used to route inbound PSTN calls to their proper internal numbers.

      When you associate a set of E164 numbers to a single internal number, multiple translation patterns are created (each DN-to-E164 range association results in a translation pattern being created on the CUCM).

    • If the association is performed at Site level, the translation pattern is only added to the CUCM referenced by the site’s network device list (NDL).

    • If the association is performed at Customer level, the translation pattern is added to all of the CUCMs that exist for the customer.

    • If the site is associated with one or more SIP Local Gateways, the HcsSipLocalGwAddMultiE164AssociationEVT event is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.

Disassociate a Set of E164 Numbers from an Internal Number

This procedure disassociates a set of E164 numbers from an internal number.

When you disassociate a set of E164 numbers from an internal number, multiple translation patterns are deleted. For each association you delete, a translation pattern is deleted from the CUCM.


  • In VOSS Automate, the HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT event related to SIP Local Gateway is generated as a result.

  • If the Local Gateway is set up to override the Voice Translation limit and the Enable Command Builder setting is enabled, disassociation will fail if it exceeds the default Voice Translation limit. The Enable Command Builder setting should be disabled first in this case.

  1. Go to (default menu) Number Management > E164 Associations (N to 1 DN).

  2. Change the hierarchy, if required.

  3. In the E164 Associations ( N to 1 DN ) list, view the following details:



DN Number

The internal number.

Located At

Indicates the hierarchy of the site where the E164 number range and internal number range association was created.

  1. Choose an option:

    • To disassociate multiple associations, click the check box in the far left column of the table, next to the numbers you want to disassociate.

    • To disassociate one association, click its row in the table. The details about the association appear.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the disassociation.


    • The translation pattern mapping between the E164 set and the internal number is deleted from the CUCM.

      The E164 number association with the internal number is removed from the Number Inventory list view, and from any Lines drop-downs and Lines displays.

    • If the site is associated with one or more SIP Local Gateways, the HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT event is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.