Dialplan Management Menu

The Dial Plan Management menus provide access to enhanced dial plan management functionality:

  • Dial Plan Maintenance - an interface for the created dial plan to be push to or removed from a chosen, Target Call Manager Cluster.

    The hierarchy on which this operation is carried out will filter the list of dial plans - according to the chosen Dial Plan Type when it was created on the Dial Plan Models menu.

    This utility can also be used to push a dial plan to the cluster for inspection and then to remove it again, as long as no elements were added to the Call Manager cluster that rely on the dial plan elements (for example, adding phones on the Call Manager that would lock CSSs and partitions).

  • Dial Plan Viewer - a tabbed form view of all the dial plan elements of a selected dial plan created from this feature. The contents of this view corresponds with the view of a dial plan schema, but in a format that is easier to inspect. Note that the viewer does not allow for any changes to be made to the dial plan. See also “Dial Plan Models” for details of each specific dial plan element.


  • Delete Dial Plan Model - from this menu, an entire dial plan created in this feature can be deleted with a single action, in other words, all dial plan model elements associated with the selected dial plan model are removed, as well as the dial plan model itself.


  • Dial Plan Input Data - an interface allowing lower level administrators to easily set up data to be added to either global or site level dial plan types. Custom dial plan data can also be included.

    In the individual dial plan elements, the values entered here are then referenced with macros, so that shared dial plan data can be managed efficiently.

  • Dial Plan Models - a list of menus to manage elements of dial plans created with the feature. Individual elements such as Route Patterns, SIP Trunks, and Translation Patterns each have a menu item from which it can be managed.

  • Dial Plan Log - a record of Push and Remove operations carried out from the Dial Plan Maintenance menu. Details such time and hierarchy of operation, target Call Manager and dial plan name are recorded.

    This interface provides an overall view and does not allow any editing of the dial plan.