Create Microsoft Teams Service Account on Azure

This procedure creates the Microsoft Teams service account for VOSS Automate on Azure, and assigns the following role: Skype for Business Administrator.


The PowerShell Proxy uses the Microsoft Teams service account to manage Microsoft Teams.


  • You will need at least the “User administrator” role.

To create the MS Teams service account

  1. Use your User Administrator credentials to sign into the Azure portal.

  2. Choose the tenant in which VOSS Automate will manage Microsoft Teams.


    If you have access to multiple tenants, select the relevant tenant via the Directory + Subscription filter.

  3. Go to Favorites > Users.


    If Users is not listed in your Favorites, search for it in All services.

  4. From the toolbar, select New user, then select Create user.

  5. Fill out user details:


    Make a note of the user name, domain name, and password you create. You’ll need these details when setting up the connection parameters in VOSS Automate. See Configure Microsoft Tenant Connection Parameters

    • Enter a user name in the User name field (e.g. “voss-svc”).

    • Select a domain, and enter a name (e.g. “VOSS Automate Service Account”).


      You can choose any domain in the drop-down, including the default “*” domain.

    • Create a password for the account.

    • Under Groups and roles, choose the default role, User, which is a live link.

    • In the Directory roles dialog, search for “Skype”, then select the Skype for Business Administrator checkbox, and click Select.

  6. Click Create.

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