UC Apps Reachability

Provider administrators and higher have access to the System Monitoring menus:

  • Unity Connection (data/MonitoringCuc)

  • Call Manager (data/MonitoringCucm)

  • HCMF (data/MonitoringHcmf)

  • LDAP (data/MonitoringLdap)

The displayed data is the aggregated reachability and Round Trip Delay Time (RTT) for a UC app. Reachability is tested from all unified nodes.

  • The Interval indicates the configured time interval for the entry: hourly or daily.

    Hourly intervals aggregate samples collected 15 minute intervals. Daily intervals aggregate hourly intervals.

  • The Start and End values are the time stamps for the interval. The difference corresponds with the selected Interval.

  • The Unified Node is the node name of the source unified node.

  • The Host name or IP is the IP addresses and port of the UC app.

    • Port 8443: HTTPS connectivity

  • The Avg TCP RTT (ms) is the average RTT in milliseconds over the interval for a successful connection.

    The details of a data instance also show the maximum RTT (Max Tcp RTT) during the interval.

    If the average RTT exceeds 400 ms, an alert is also triggered.

  • The Failures is the number of connection failures to the UC app Host name or IP over the interval.

    For example, if the number of failures is 4 and the Interval is set to hourly, then all 4 reachability checks for the interval failed. Equally, if the interval is set to daily and all reachability checks failed, the value is 96 (24 x 4 hourly).

    The details of a data instance with failures show the network error messages in the Errors group.

  • The Located At column shows the hierarchy of the UC app.

Failures would also generate alerts if an SNMP trap is configured.