System Boot Passwords

Password protection can be enabled on the VOSS Automate boot loader configuration from the CLI. Commands are available to check, enable and disable the bootloader password.

  • system boot password - Check if a bootloader password is enabled or disabled.

  • system boot password enable - Prompts for and sets the platform user boot loader password. Refer to the topic on Passwords for password text requirements.

  • system boot password disable - Disable the bootloader password if it is enabled.

  • system boot password reset - If a password has been set, reset the bootloader password and enter a new password. If the system boot password is disabled when the command is run, a message will show this.

    For example:

    $ system boot password
    System boot password disabled.
    $ system boot password reset
    You are about to reset the boot password. Do you wish to continue? y
    System boot password is disabled. Enable the system boot password first.
    $ system boot password enable
    You are about to enable the boot password. Do you wish to continue? y
    Valid passwords must contain:
       at least one lower- and one upper-case letter,
       at least one numeric digit
       and a special character eg. !#@$%&^*
    Please enter platform user boot password:
    Please re-enter password
    System boot password enabled.
    $ system boot password reset
    You are about to reset the boot password. Do you wish to continue? y
    status true
    Valid passwords must contain:
       at least one lower- and one upper-case letter,
       at least one numeric digit
       and a special character eg. !#@$%&^*
    Please enter platform user boot password:
    Please re-enter password
    System boot password enabled.

System boot passwords can also be enabled and set upon installation. Refer to the topic on Installation Details in the Installation Guide.