Custom Line Settings for Smart Add Phone Configuration Template

In order to customize the line settings of a custom Configuration Template to be used specifically with the Smart Add Phone feature, the cloned, customized template should be exported as a JSON file and edited manually.

Consider the data attribute snippet of an example Phone template JSON file before customization for custom lines:

"data": {
    "description": "Custom CUCM Phone Template",
    "name": "Custom Cisco 7945",
    "target_model_type": "device/cucm/Phone",
    "template": {
        "protocol": "SCCP",
        "softkeyTemplateName": "Standard Agent",
        "phoneTemplateName": "Standard 7945 SCCP",
        "callingSearchSpaceName": "(( input.Phone.callingSearchSpaceName == None )) \
          <{{macro.CUCM_PHONE_callingSearchSpaceName}}> \
        "servicesUrl": "Both",
        "builtInBridgeStatus": "On",
        "useTrustedRelayPoint": "Default",
        "userlocale": "English United States",
        "enableExtensionMobility": "(( True ))",
        "commonDeviceConfigName": "Agent_CDC",
        "networkLocale": "United States",
        "packetCaptureMode": "None",
        "product": "Cisco 7945",
        "description": "Created by Custom Phone Template",
        "userLocale": "English United States",
        "deviceMobilityMode": "On",
        "certificateOperation": "No Pending Operation",
        "class": "Phone",
        "securityProfileName": "Cisco 7945 - Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile",
        "protocolSide": "User",
        "commonPhoneConfigName": "Standard Common Phone Profile"

To customize this template for use with the Smart Add Phone feature and to add custom line settings, it requires additional elements in the data attribute group:

  • A foreach loop method over lines with a line variable, e.g. LineX:

"foreach": [
        "property": "lines.line",
        "context_var": "LineX",
        "macro_list": "{# input.lines #}"
  • Line specific customization for each line added on the Smart Add Phone input form on the Admin Portal represented by an attribute lines that contains a line list.

    An example is shown below:

"lines": {
     "line": [
             "maxNumCalls": "2",
             "displayAscii": "Test Site Phone",
             "busyTrigger": "1",
             "label": "{{ cft.LineX.directory_number }}",
             "e164Mask": "8005551212",
             "callInfoDisplay": {
                 "dialedNumber": "(( True ))",
                 "callerName": "(( True ))"
             "asciiLabel": "{{ cft.LineX.directory_number }}",
             "display": "Test Site Phone"
  • Added attribute to template called merge_strategy and set to replace.

The example data attribute group below shows the additional customization integrated into the template. This template can then be selected from the Phone Template dropdown to customize the phone’s line settings:

"data": {
    "name": "Custom Cisco 7945",
    "description": "Custom Smart Add Phone Template - Cisco 7945",
    "foreach": [
            "property": "lines.line",
            "context_var": "LineX",
            "macro_list": "{# input.lines #}"
    "merge_strategy": "replace",
    "target_model_type": "device/cucm/Phone",
    "template": {
        "protocol": "SCCP",
        "softkeyTemplateName": "Standard Agent",
        "phoneTemplateName": "Standard 7945 SCCP",
        "callingSearchSpaceName": "(( input.Phone.callingSearchSpaceName == None )) \
          <{{macro.CUCM_PHONE_callingSearchSpaceName}}> \
        "servicesUrl": "Both",
        "builtInBridgeStatus": "On",
        "useTrustedRelayPoint": "Default",
        "userlocale": "English United States",
        "enableExtensionMobility": "(( True ))",
        "commonDeviceConfigName": "Agent_CDC",
        "networkLocale": "United States",
        "packetCaptureMode": "None",
        "product": "Cisco 7945",
        "description": "Created by Custom Phone Template",
        "userLocale": "English United States",
        "deviceMobilityMode": "On",
        "certificateOperation": "No Pending Operation",
        "class": "Phone",
        "securityProfileName": "Cisco 7945 - Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile",
        "protocolSide": "User",
        "commonPhoneConfigName": "Standard Common Phone Profile",
        "lines": {
            "line": [
                    "maxNumCalls": "2",
                    "displayAscii": "Test Site Phone",
                    "busyTrigger": "1",
                    "label": "{{ cft.LineX.directory_number }}",
                    "e164Mask": "8005551212",
                    "callInfoDisplay": {
                        "dialedNumber": "(( True ))",
                        "callerName": "(( True ))"
                    "asciiLabel": "{{ cft.LineX.directory_number }}",
                    "display": "Test Site Phone"