Manage a Phone

  1. Click Phones on the button bar.

  2. Click on the phone that you want to edit. The associated phone details are displayed. Note that the basic phone details, such as name, phone type, protocol and description are greyed out, and can not be edited.

  3. If the phone is a member of a hunt group, you can select or clear the Logged into Hunt Group check box to login or logout of the hunt group respectively. Selected = phone rings when a call is made to the hunt group, cleared = phone does not ring when a call is made to the hunt group.

  4. Click the Phone Language drop-down and choose the language to display on your phone LCD. Only languages that are installed on the Unified CM are available in the drop-down list. If no language is chosen, the phone automatically uses the default language configured in Unified CM.

  5. Add or edit the Line Label if required.

  6. Click on the + icon next to the line that you want to edit.

  7. Select or clear the Log Missed Calls check box. Selected = missed calls are logged.

  8. Configure the required visual message waiting indicator policy by selecting the desired option from the drop-down list. Select the message-waiting policy that best suits your needs. If, for example, you are an administrative assistant who shares the manager’s directory number as a secondary directory number, you may want to have the policy set to Light and Prompt. You will then be able to see whether the manager’s line has pending voice messages. If you are a general office worker, who shares a line appearance with a co-worker, you may set the policy so that the indicator lights only when messages are pending for the primary line appearance. Available options are:

    • Use System Policy. Follows the policy determined by your system administrator. Contact your phone system administrator if you are not sure what policy is used.

    • Light and Prompt. Causes the lamp to light and displays the prompt if there is a message waiting on this line of your phone.

    • Prompt only. Displays the prompt if a message is waiting on the primary line.

    • Light only. Lights the message-waiting lamp if a message is waiting on the primary line.

    • None. Causes the lamp to stay off even when you have messages waiting on this line. The message waiting indicator on your phone’s display still shows if you have messages on this line.

  9. Configure the audible message waiting indicator policy by choosing an option from the drop-down list. Available options are: Off, On, or Default.

  10. Configure the ring setting (phone idle). This defines the way the line on your phone rings when you receive a call while the phone is not in use. Available ring setting options are: Use System Default, Disable, Flash only, Ring once, Ring, and Beep only.

  11. Configure the ring setting (phone active). This defines the way the line on your phone rings when you receive a call while you are on the phone already. Available ring setting options are: Use System Default, Disable, Flash only, Ring once, Ring, and Beep only.

  12. If you want to automatically register/provision a phone using the Activation Code, enter the activation code into your phone before the Activation Code Expiry date. Activation codes are only applicable to certain phone types, e.g. 7811, 7832, 7861, 8841, 8851NR, 8865, etc.

  13. Click Save to implement the settings or Cancel to abort. Changes made in Self-service are automatically synchronized with Unified CM.

If you want to view, add or edit personal phones or their settings, for example description, time zone or and ring schedule click Personal next to the relevant number. See “Add, Edit or Delete a Personal Phone” for details.