Default Dial Plan Schemas

A number of default dial plan schemas are predefined in VOSS Automate 10.x/11.5(x). You can use the default schemas as templates when provisioning a site, or clone the default schemas to use as the basis for your own custom schemas.

The default dial plan schemas are located in VOSS Automate 10.x/11.5(x) at Dial Plan > Dial Plan Schema.


The HcsDefaultAddVoiceMailE164NumberSchema and HcsDefaultLboSchema default schemas are available only in VOSS Automate 10.6(2) or later.


In the tables below, Vx represents the schema version, where x is the version number.

Each dial plan schema in the tables are also automatically cloned to the Provider hierarchy node. For more information, see Auto-Cloning of Dial Plan Schemas and Schema Groups to the Provider Hierarchy Node.

Default Dial Plan Schemas

Schema Name


When Deployed


  • Contains partitions, calling search spaces, and translation patterns necessary to implement the call screening feature used during Class of Service creation to block or allow calls based on call type (for example, International, National, Mobile, Service, PRS, Free Phone, PCS, SRS, Operator)

  • Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

When the first site dial plan is created for a particular customer


  • Contains partitions, calling search spaces, and translation patterns necessary to implement the Forced OnNet feature used during Class of Service creation to block or allow calls based on call type (for example, International, National, Mobile, Service, PRS, Free Phone, PCS, SRS, Operator)

  • Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

When the first site dial plan is created for a particular customer

Schema Name


When Deployed


  • Contains partitions and translation patterns necessary to implement the Time of Day Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)/Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) feature used during Class of Service creation based on call type (for example, International, National, Mobile, Service, PRS, Free Phone, PCS, SRS, Operator)

  • Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

When the first site dial plan is created for a particular customer


  • Contains partitions and translation patterns necessary to implement the Forced Authorization Code (FAC) and Client Matter Code (CMC) feature used during Class of Service creation to enable or disable FAC and CMC based on call type (for example, International, National, Mobile, Service, PRS, Free Phone, PCS, SRS, Operator)

  • Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

When the first site dial plan is created for a particular customer

HcsDefaultAddCustomerSc hema

Contains the following:

  • Default time periods for a customer including All Day, Workday (08:00-18:00) and non-Workday (18:00-08:00)

  • Default time schedules for a customer including All Day, Works Hours (08:00-18:00), and After Hours (18:00-08:00)

  • Default customer partitions:

    • Pre-InterSiteRouting

    • InterSiteRouting

    • Directory Number

    • Allow Voice Mail

    • Mapping E164 to Directory Number


    • CDPN Transform Patterns

    • DN2DDI for Emergency

    • FMC

    • URI

  • Default customer calling search spaces:

    • Pre-InterSiteRouting

    • InterSiteRouting

    • Directory Number

    • Calling Party Transformation

    • Called Party Transformation

    • Redirected Transformation

    • Connected Transformation

    • Ingress from Central Break Out (CBO)

    • Ingress from Unity

  • Default Calling Party Transformation Pattern for DN2DDI4RCCN partition (wildcard match) to enable using the calling party*s external phone number mask

Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

When the first site dial plan is created for a particular customer

Schema Name


When Deployed

HcsDefaultAddDnRangeSc hema

Contains translation patterns necessary to route intersite calls based on number routing instance data provided by Directory Number Routing feature

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

When the first site directory number routing instance is added

HcsDefaultAddSiteShortCodeSc hema

Contains translation patterns necessary to route site short codes based on data provided by Site Short Code feature

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

When a site short code is added

HcsDefaultAddSiteType1Sch ema

Contains site specific Allow Internal partition, site specific feature partition, and default site internal CSS. Also contains pre-InterSiteRouting, InterSiteRouting, and AllowInteral translation patterns for Type 1

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a Type 1 site dial plan is created

HcsDefaultAddSiteType2Sch ema

Contains site specific Allow Internal partition, site specific feature partition, and default site internal CSS. Also contains pre-InterSiteRouting, InterSiteRouting, and AllowInteral translation patterns for Type 2

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a Type 2 site dial plan is created

HcsDefaultAddSiteType3Sch ema

Contains site specific Allow Internal partition, site specific feature partition, and default site internal CSS. Also contains pre-InterSiteRouting, InterSiteRouting, and AllowInteral translation patterns for Type 3

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a Type 3 site dial plan is created

HcsDefaultAddSiteType4Sch ema

Contains site specific Allow Internal partition, site specific feature partition, and default site internal CSS.

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a Type 4 site dial plan is created

HcsDefaultAddVoiceMailPilotNu mberSchema

Contains the Voice Mail pilot Calling Search Space and Voice Mail service route list

Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a Voice Mail pilot number is created for a customer

HcsDefaultAddVoiceMailE164N umberSchema

Contains the route pattern for an E164 format number associated with a Voice Mail pilot number

Deployed at Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a voice mail pilot number with an accompanying E164 number is associated to a site


Contains dial plan elements required for Local Break Out.

Deployed at Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when an LBO gateway is associated to a site

For each country shown in Predefined Country Dial Plans, there is a generic customer-level and a generic site-level country dial plan schema.


In the table below <CCC> represents the ISO Three Letter Country Code for the specific country.

Country Dial Plan Schemas

Schema Name


When Deployed

HcsGenericCustomer<CCC>D P-Vx-SCH

Contains the customer-level country dial plan schema

Deployed at the Customer hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when the first Site Dial Plan for country <CCC> is deployed for a customer for Type 1 to 4 schema groups


Contains the site-level country dial plan schema

Deployed at the Site hierarchy node

Deployed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager for each country <CCC> site that is deployed for Type 1 to 4 schema groups