Add, Update, or Delete a Call Handler (Auto Attendant)

This procedure adds, modifies, or deletes an Auto-Attendant Call Handler to VOSS Automate and to Cisco Unity Connection (CUC).


Some of the configuration parameters required to provision the Call Handler are defined via the configuration templates and are not exposed in the user interface. For example, the following settings are hardcoded in the AddCucmRoutePatternForCallhandlerCFT configuration template:

  • Provide Outside Dial Tone = False

  • Call Classification = OnNet

To change these settings or any other values defined via the configuration template, clone the template (via Customizations > Configuration Templates) to the relevant hierarchy level, and edit the fields as required.

Add a Call Handler

This procedure adds a Call Handler.

Before you start:

  • The relevant Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) Auto-Attendant Call Handler template must have been synced from CUC.

To add a Call Handler:

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.

  2. Choose the relevant hierarchy, either Customer or Site.

  3. Go to (default menus) Services > Auto Attendant > Call Handler.

  4. Click Add.

    The Call Handler/New Record page opens at the Call Handler Basics tab. All other tabs on this page remain read-only until you configure the initial settings on this tab.

    Once you’ve saved the new call handler, you can edit these settings. See Update a Call Handler

  5. Mandatory. At Network Device List, choose the required network device list (NDL).


    This field is auto-populated and read-only if you’re adding the call handler at site level.

  6. Mandatory. At Name, enter a name for the new Call Handler.

  7. At Call Handler Template, choose the CUC Call Handler template.


    For more information about the Call Handler template, see the “Call Handler Templates” section of the “Call Management” chapter of the System Administration Guide for Cisco Unity Connection, Release 11.x.

  8. Optional. At Pilot, choose a directory number to associate with the Call Handler.


    The drop-down displays the list of directory numbers available at the selected hierarchy. This can include numbers already assigned to one or more device types, since VOSS Automate allows sharing of numbers between Call Handler and multiple device types. See Auto-Attendant Call Handler

  9. At Do not add Route Pattern define whether to remove the mandatory requirement for adding a route list (if you’ve chosen a pilot).


    • When enabled, (checkbox selected), choosing a route list (route pattern) optional.

    • When disabled (default), choosing a route list (route pattern) is mandatory.

    This setting is relevant when adding or updating a Call Handler.

  10. At Route List, choose a CUCM route list for the new Call Handler. Optional when Do not add Route Pattern is enabled.


    The NDL determines the route lists available in this drop-down. If the NDL is updated, route list options are updated.

  11. Click Save.

    Adding a Call Handler through VOSS Automate also adds a route pattern on the Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM, or CallManager) designated in the NDL (if Do not add Route Pattern is disabled, and you’ve chosen a route list and a pilot for the Call Handler). The pattern is the value of the pilot (directory number) you choose.

    A configuration template (which can be cloned and modified) defines the rest of the pilot configuration (including partition).

    A direct routing rule is also created on the Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) designated in the NDL. This rule accepts inbound calls into CUC, and routes them to the relevant Call Handler.

Update a Call Handler

To update a Call Handler:

  1. Log in as Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.

  2. Choose the relevant hierarchy.

  3. Go to (default menu) Services > Auto Attendant > Call Handler.

  4. In the list view, click the relevant Call Handler to open the Call Handler page.

  5. On the Call Handler page, update settings on the following tabs, as required:



Call Handler Basics tab

Only this tab is enabled when adding a Call Handler. All tabs are available when updating a Call Handler.

  • Do not add Route Pattern (disabled by default) defines whether to remove the mandatory requirement for choosing a route list (if you’ve chosen a pilot).

    • When disabled, you must choose a route list if you’ve selected a pilot

    • When enabled, choosing a route list is hidden and no longer required (even if you’ve chosen a pilot)

  • Call Handler Owner - choose the CUC user to associate with the owner of the Call Handler.

Transfer Rules tab

Enables/disables transfer rules.

  • The Standard transfer rule can’t be disabled.

  • By default, Transfer Call To is set to Greeting. When changing this setting to Extension or URl, you can specify an extension number or URl, and a transfer type (either Release to Switch or Supervise Transfer)

Caller Input tab

Configures the default caller. Additional settings become available as you choose options on this tab. For example, choosing User with Mailbox (from the Action drop-down in Callhandler Menu Entry) displays the Transfer/Greeting drop-down.

Greetings tab

Configures greeting settings.

Record/Playback tab

Configures the greeting you want to record and playback on the chosen extension. You can trigger a call to a physical device, which allows for recording or playback of a greeting. The extension to dial must be an accessible extension for the administrator (or user) to answer and record or listen to greetings

  • At Extension, choose an extension, or manually type in the number of the device you want to call to record or listen to a greeting.

  • To record or playback a greeting for a specific purpose, select the Specific Greeting checkbox; else, the action applies to the main Call Handler.

  • At Duration (seconds), specify a time period (in seconds) that the system allows for recording a greeting. This time duration does not apply when playing back a recording. Ensure you set this timer appropriately. Setting it too low may result in an incorrect configuration.

  • Before saving the settings on this tab, go to Action > Record Greeting, or to Action > Playback Greeting (as applicable) to record or playback the greeting you wish to use.

Upload Greeting tab

At Greeting File, choose the greeting file (.wav) to upload to the Call Handler. Then configure the specific greeting (if required).

  1. Click Save.

    Changes are saved to the Call Handler in VOSS Automate and in Cisco Unity Connection (CUC).

Delete a Call Handler

To delete a Call Handler, click on the Call Handler you want to delete; then, click Delete. On the pop-up, click Yes to confirm.

If this Call Handler is using a number shared with one or more additional device types, see Auto-Attendant Call Handler to understand how the status and usage description of the number may change when you delete the Call Handler.

Call Handler Page

This section provides more information about the information required in the tabs and fields when adding or editing a Call Handler.

Call Handler Basics Tab


Field Name


Network Device List *


Mandatory input-field for the option (if hierarchy is at Site-node, however, this value is derived automatically). The workflow (and GUIRules) will target the UC devices that is linked to this Network Device List (NDL). In the Mod use-case, this should also be derived automatically and can thus be omitted from Updates.

Cisco Unity Connection


Informative (non-input) field. Indicates the target CUCx host/IP, which is automatically derived from the input NDL.

Cisco Unified CM


Informative (non-input) field. Indicates the target CUCM host/IP, which is automatically derived from the input NDL.

Name *


The text name of the handler to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration. For example, the display name for the default opening greeting Call Handler is “Opening Greeting.”

Route List


The CUCM Route List to use. The valid options are dependent on the selected NDL/CUCM. console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration. For example, the display name for the default opening greeting Call Handler is “Opening Greeting.”



The DTMF access id (i.e., extension) for the Call Handler. The dialable number.

Call Handler Template


Select the Unity Template for Call Handler.


If the pilot number is shared between the Call Handler and one or more additional device types, see Auto-Attendant Call Handler to understand the status of numbers available to assign to the Call Handler.

Transfer Rules Tab


Field Name




Caller Input

Callhandler Menu Entry


Object Id


The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a MenuEntry object.

Call Handler *


The unique identifier of the CallHandler object to which this menu entry belongs.

Touchtone Key


The character on the touch-tone keypad that this menu entry corresponds to ( * , #, 0,1…9).

Ignore Additional Input (Locked)


A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection ignores additional input after callers press this key. Values: 0: Additional input accepted 1: Additional input ignored; Cisco Unity Connection performs the action assigned to the key.

Call Action


The type of call action to take, e.g., hang-up, goto another object, etc.

Extension or URI


This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.



This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.

Transfer Type


This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.

Rings to Wait for


This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.

Target Conversation


The name of the conversation to which the caller is routed.

Target Handler Object Id


The unique identifier of the specific object to send along to the target conversation.

Caller Input Tab

The table describes fields on this tab:



Wait for Additional Digits (milliseconds)

The amount of time (in milliseconds) that Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) waits for additional input after a caller presses a single, unlocked key. If there’s no input within this time, CUC performs the action assigned to the key.

Enable Prepend Digits to Dialed Extensions

Defines whether to prepend digits when dialing an extension number to transfer to.

Digits to Prepend

The touch-tone digits to prepend to the extension when dialing the transfer number.


These fields are exposed automatically in the default FDP for relation/CallhandlerREL. If the FDP has been customized, you’ll need to expose these fields manually by exposing the following field names: OneKeyDelay, EnablePrependDigits, PrependDigits

The table describes options in the Call Handler Menu Entry fieldsets:


Field Name




Callhandler Menu Entry


Object Id


The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a MenuEntry object.

Call Handler *


The unique identifier of the Call Handler object to which this menu entry belongs.

Touchtone Key


The character on the touch-tone keypad that this menu entry corresponds to ( * , #, 0,1…9).

Ignore Additional Input (Locked)


A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection ignores additional input after callers press this key. Values: 0: Additional input accepted 1: Additional input ignored; Cisco Unity Connection performs the action assigned to the key.

Call Action


The type of call action to take, e.g., hang-up, goto another object, etc.

Extension or URI


This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.



This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.

Transfer Type


This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.

Rings to Wait for


This setting only applies if “Call Action” is set to ‘Transfer to Alternate Contact Number’.

Target Conversation


The name of the conversation to which the caller is routed.

Target Handler Object Id


The unique identifier of the specific object to send along to the target conversation.

Greetings Tab


Field Name






Greeting Type


The type of greeting, e.g. “Standard,” “Off Hours,” “Busy,” etc.



If TimeExpires is set, this field is ignored.

Time Expires


The date and time when the greeting rule expires. The greeting rule is considered not expired (enabled), if the value is NULL or a future date. The greeting rule is considered expired (disabled), the value is in the past.

Callers Hear


The source for the greeting when this greeting is active.

Play the “Record Your Message at the tone” Prompt

PlayRecordMessage Prompt

A flag indicating whether the “Record your message at the tone?” prompt prior to recording a message.

Callers See My Personal Recording

EnablePersonal VideoRecording

It will Enable the Personal video Recording in CUCA.

Callers See Play the “Record Your Message at the Tone” Prompt

PlayRecordVideo MessagePrompt

A flag indicating whether the “Record your message at the tone?” prompt prior to Video recording a message.

Ignore Caller Input During Greeting


A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection takes action in response to touchtone keys pressed by callers during the greeting.

Allow Transfers to Numbers Not Associated with Users or Call Handlers


A flag indicating when an extension is dialed at the greeting and the extension is not available whether to transfer to another extension.

Times to Re-prompt Caller


The number of times to reprompt a caller. After the number of times indicated here, Cisco Unity Connection performs the after-greeting action.

Delay between Re-prompts


The amount of time (in seconds) that Cisco Unity Connection waits without receiving any input from a caller before Cisco Unity Connection prompts the caller again.


Field Name


After Greeting


The type of call action to take, for example, hang-up, goto another object, etc.

After Greeting Target Conversation

AfterGreetingTarget Conversation

The name of the conversation to which the caller is routed.

After Greeting Target Handler Object Id

AfterGreetingTarget HandlerObjectId

The unique identifier of the specific object to send along to the target conversation.

Call Handler Object Id


The unique identifier of the Call Handler object to which this greeting rule belongs.

Callhandler URI


Greeting Stream Files URI


Greetings Type


The type of greeting, e.g. “Standard,” “Off Hours,” “Busy,” etc.



Record/Playback Tab


Field Name




A special interface, which allows administrators to trigger a call to a physical device, which allows for recording or playback of a greeting. The extension to dial must be an accessible extension for the admin (or user) to answer and record or listen to greetings.

Call Handler Name


Call Handler Name.



Extension to Record message on.

Specific Greeting


The unique identifier of the Call Handler object to which this menu entry belongs.






Duration to allow enough time to make recording/playback.

Upload Greeting Tab


Field Name




Upload a greeting to the selected Call Handler.

Greeting File


Call Handler Name.

Call Handler Name


Call Handler Name.

Specific Greeting


Specific Greeting.




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