GUI Rule for the Target Model of a Configuration Template

If a GUI Rule is created for a target model referenced in a Configuration Template, then the GUI Rule is applied to this target model type referenced in the Configuration Template.

For example, a GUI Rule called ConfigurationTemplateOverride is available for the model device/ios/Script (which is a target in a Configuration Template for a Script - refer to the topic on Scripts). This GUI Rule has a Field Specific rule for the field expect_script (originally of type String) and sets its type to multi_line.

GUI Rules called ConfigurationTemplateOverride exist for the following models:

  • device/ios/Script

  • device/pgw/Script

For example:

   "meta": {
       "model_type": "data/GUIRule",
       "schema_version": "0.4.9",
       "hierarchy": "sys",
       "tags": [
   "data": {
       "field_specific": [
               "field": "expect_script",
               "property": "type",
               "value": "multiline"
               "field": "expect_script",
               "property": "scrollbars",
               "value": "true"
       "type": "device/ios/Script",
       "name": "ConfigurationTemplateOverride"