Transaction Details

This Detail column of the list of transactions in the transaction log user interface shows information according to the type of entity and the operation carried out by the transaction.

The rules listed below should be considered when creating a transaction filter and specifying the value of the filter text.

The following conditions apply to content in the Detail column:




Create, Update, Clone and Delete

all models

Detail will only contain the name on the model


DataSync, Workflow, Event, Scheduler

Detail will contain the instance name

Bulk operations on Modify, Delete, Move

all models

  • The parent transaction detail contains: “[ no. of succeeded / no. of total ] were [updated / deleted / moved to destination_hierarchy] successfully.”

  • Bulk move from different hierarchies to one hierarchy show the destination hierarchy name in the parent transaction detail.

  • Each child transaction detail will contain the name of instance that is deleted.

Data Import

all models

Detail shows only the imported file name.

Device Import

all devices

Detail shows host name or device address

All operations

all models

The following attribute values are considered first for inclusion in the Detail column: country_name, DialPlanName, name, ip, host, address, description, username, type, entity_id, userid, pattern, RoleCurrent. Otherwise, the Detail column will be empty.

Note that the contents of the Detail column of transaction lists are not localized.