Change Log





19.3.4, 21.3


19.3.4, 21.1

  • Fixed the entitlement profile and title fields of the subscriber SDE report

  • Added the ‘ownerid’ field to the phones SDE report


19.3.4, 21.1

  • ClientShape audit automation support

  • Include the V4UC organization ID in the CSV header files (for ClientShape)

  • Addition of Microsoft and PexIP related service counts

  • Addition of Voss Phone Server count

  • Added N-to-1 DN to E164 Association to the SDE reports

  • Added various Microsoft related (including Exchange) SDE reports

  • Added a PexIP SDE report

  • Added phone expansion module fields (module 1, 2 and 3) to the phones SDE report



  • No changes were made to the licensing code itself, but the CLI output of the license super patch was made more descriptive






  • The VOSS license audit logic now considers a phone assigned to a user if that device has been setup as an associatedDevice on the user OR phone ownerID

  • Alternate ways were added to automate the collection of the VOSS license files:

    • SFTP: Send the file to a remote SFTP server

    • Email: Email the file to an email destination (requires SMTP server access)

    • HTTP: Send the license file(s) to an HTTP server

    • File Download via the Portal: Local download via the VOSS Automate GUI

  • In the event that the file is not sent for any reason (incorrect configuration, permissions issue, etc…), an alert is created in the Admin GUI which in turn results in an SNMP trap being created

  • The license output filename format changed to include provider and hostname - this adds support for a single partner/customer that may have multiple platforms

  • The new filename format:

    • “vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_license_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.zip” (containing anonymous data)

    • “vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_detailed_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.csv” (containing detailed information)

  • Additional headers were added to the output files for platform identification and version:

    • Platform ID (generated by the system and is unique)

    • Hostname of the system

    • Provider on the system

    • Software Version

    • Deployment Mode






  • First version to be delivered via a super patch that is compatible with CUCDM 11.5.1 SU1 / VOSS-4-UC 17.4 and later

  • Alignment with CUCM licensing rules, including:

    • Exclusion of CTI Ports from license counts

    • Spark Remote Device type only consuming a license when it is a subscriber’s only device

  • Addition of a Site Count column to report the number of sites per customer


11.5.3 18.1

  • The expanded ability to audit in terms of VOSS-4-UC added capabilities, such as Webex Teams (aka Spark) and Contact Center

  • Built in schedule to execute at the end of the month automatically. Schedule cannot be edited by customer to avoid conflict. This replaces any schedule that would have been setup under v1 and that schedule should be removed to avoid duplication, etc.

  • Public sector setting on customer

  • Notifications when the scheduled run of the audit fails for some reason - CLI, email, SNMP.




  • The ability to audit the existing deployment in terms of CUCDM functionality and licenses.

  • A schedule can be created to execute it on a monthly basis (similar to the Subscriber Data Extract in general). This is a visible and customer configurable schedule.