Create an Entitlement Catalog

Entitlement catalogs are used in entitlement to limit the devices and services that entitlement profiles (those defined at the same hierarchy or below) may assign to users.

Entitlement catalogs can be defined at the provider, reseller, or customer hierarchy level. Only one entitlement catalog may be defined at a given hierarchy node.


The animation shows the procedure for creating both an entitlement catalog and an entitlement profile. An entitlement catalog must exist at or above the hierarchy level at which you want to create the entitlement profile.



  • An entitlement catalog must exist at Provider level.

  • Device groups you want to add to a catalog at the current hierarchy must first be added to a catalog higher in the hierarchy. For example, before adding a device group to a catalog at Customer level, you’ll need to add the device group to a catalog at Provider or Reseller level.

To add an entitlement catalog:

  1. Log in as provider administrator.

  2. Choose the hierarchy where you want to create the entitlement catalog.


    You can only create one entitlement catalog at each hierarchy.

  3. Go to (default menus) Entitlement > Catalogs.

  4. Click Add.

  5. On the Catalogs page, complete the basic configuration for the new entitlement catalog:

    • Enter a name and optionally, a description.

    • Choose the services to include in this entitlement catalog. Options are: Voice, Voicemail, Presence, Extension Mobility, Single Number Reach, Conferencing, Collaboration.

    • Specify the maximum number of devices allowable for the entitlement catalog. The maximum number can’t exceed the total of the maximums for all the device groups included in the entitlement catalog.


    Restrictions defined for device groups, device counts, and services in a catalog at a particular hierarchy apply to entitlement profiles and catalogs at that hierarchy, and below. For example, restrictions in a catalog at customer level apply at that customer and to all sites below the customer.


    • An entitlement profile can’t be more restrictive than its associated entitlement catalog.

    • An entitlement catalog can’t be more restrictive than an entitlement catalog at a higher level of the hierarchy.

  6. Add device groups:


    While one entitlement profile can have many device groups, device types in those groups must be unique across these groups. The same device can’t be added to more than one device group.

    • Click the Plus (+) icon at Device Groups.

    • From the Device Group drop-down, choose a device group to include in the entitlement catalog.

    • Specify the maximum number of devices allowed for the selected device group. The maximum number for any device group can’t exceed the maximum number of devices for the catalog.

  7. Click the Plus icon (+) to add more device groups to the entitlement catalog.

  8. Click Save to add the new catalog.

    Next steps: