EMCC Templates

Extension Mobility Cross Cluster (EMCC) templates allow you to define the common EMCC attributes to add a group of new EMCC.

Related Topics

Clone and Add EMCC Template


  • Before creating the template, ensure the EMCC settings are already configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) Administration.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as Provider administrator or higher.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the correct customer or location node.

  3. Choose Customer Management > EMCC Templates.

  4. Click on the EMCC Template from which you want to create a new EMCC Template.

  5. Click Action > Clone. The selected EMCC Template is cloned. See also Configuration Templates for more information.

  6. (Mandatory) Enter a new Name for the EMCC Template.

  7. Edit existing fields, and add new fields as required.

  8. Click Save to add the EMCC Template.

Modify EMCC Template

  1. Log in as Provider administrator or higher.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the correct customer or location node.

  3. Choose Customer Management > EMCC Templates.

  4. Click on the EMCC Template that you want to edit. See also Configuration Templates for more information.

  5. Edit and add the required fields, making sure that all mandatory fields are complete.

  6. Click Save to save the modified EMCC Template.

Delete an EMCC Template

To delete an EMCC Template, click on the template to delete on the EMCC Templates list view, and then click Delete on the button bar.