.. _generate-user-csv-import-file: Generate Webex App User CSV Import File ----------------------------------------- .. _21.1|VOSS-725: Provided the following setting is enabled in the Global Settings, when a Webex App user is added or updated, a CSV file is created and attached to an email message, and sent to specified recipients via the Webex App message service: **Generate and send Webex App User CSV file via Webex App message** The CSV file can be imported into Webex App Control Hub to update the users. Formatted example of CSV file: .. image:: /src/images/webex-teams-bulk-csv-example.png .. note:: This task can also be carried out in bulk. Generate and Send Webex App User CSV file ............................................. **Prerequisite**: * Enable the following setting in Global Settings: **Generate and send Webex App User CSV file via Webex App message** **Perform these steps**: 1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) **Subscriber Management > Webex App > Generate User CSV Import File**. 2. Choose the relevant hierarchy (the hierarchy of your Webex App users). 3. Fill out a **Recipient Email Address** 4. Click **Save** An email message with a CSV attachment is sent. The CSV file contains the data of all the Webex App users. See: :ref:`global-settings` for an email message example.