Create or Update a Schedule

This procedure displays existing, configured schedules, adds a new schedule, or edits an existing schedule.

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal and select the hierarchy where you want to add or update a schedule.

  2. Go to (default menus) Administration Tools > Scheduling to open the Scheduling list, where you can view existing schedules (if configured), including a number of attributes for each schedule.


    Resource attributes are used for filtering when you want to choose a resource.

  3. Choose an option:

    • To edit an existing schedule, click on a schedule in the list to open its configuration page. Edit the schedule, and save your changes.


      See the field descriptions below to find out more about field values you may want to update.

    • To add a new schedule, click the Plus icon (+) to open the Scheduling / New Record page. Go to the next step in this procedure.

  4. On the Details tab, complete the following:


    In the classic Admin GUI, this tab is called the Base tab.

    1. Mandatory. At Schedule Name, fill out a name for the schedule.

    2. At Owner, fill out the name of the user who created the schedule.

    3. Mandatory. At Schedule Type, choose an option, either Multi Execution or Single Execution.


      Choosing an option launches the display of an additional tab on this page. The tab name depends on the option you select at Schedule Type, either Multiple Executions or Single Execution.

    4. Select or clear the Active checkbox to define whether the enable or disable the entire schedule.

    5. Optional. At Scheduled resources, click the Plus icon (+) to configure an action to execute on a resource.


      You can schedule one or more actions or one or more resource types, and choose resource attributes for each.

      1. At Action, choose an action (e.g. Execute).

      2. Choose a Resource Type (resources that can be executed, for example, data/DataSync).

      3. For the selected resource type, at Resource Attribute, choose a unique identifier (the resource attribute, which is used for filtering when choosing the resource type, which is typically name.

      4. At Resource, select the value of the resource attribute. For example, if the attribute is name, then the name of the resource.

      5. At Perform Action, select or clear the checkbox to enable or disable the resource scheduled action.

      6. Repeat this step to add additional scheduled resources.

  5. On either the Multiple Executions or Single Execution tab, fill out the scheduling time information according to the selected schedule type.

    • Date format: YYYY-MM-DD in Local time - an Execution Timezone is selected

    • Time format: HH:MM:SS in Local time - an Execution Timezone is selected

      1. On the Multiple Executions tab, choose options for execution:

        • Use Specific Executions - Allows one or more specific schedule times. An Execution Date, Execution Time and Execution Timezone is added for each specific schedule.

        • Use Calender Executions - Allows one or more calendar times (Calendar Hour and Calendar Minute) and dates (Calendar Month and Calendar Day). If no time is entered, the current time is used.

        • Use Timed Executions - Allows one or more specified number of repetitions (Number of Repeats) at intervals (Repeat after (x) Days, Repeat after (x) Hours, Repeat after (x) Minutes) from a specified start time (First Execution Date, First Execution Time, First Execution Timezone).

          If more than one of these options is selected, the first scheduled time takes priority.

      2. On the Single Execution tab, fill out Execution Date, Execution Time, and Execution Timezone.

  6. Click Save to create (or update) the schedule.

    You schedule you added (or updated) displays in the Scheduling list view.