

The Lines menu allows you to add, modify, or delete individual lines and their associated line settings to or from the system.

Add Lines

This procedure adds and configures one or more lines (directory numbers) in VOSS Automate.


If the Number Inventory feature is disabled by your administrator, you won’t add lines; instead, you will select the relevant lines from a drop-down list of available numbers.

  1. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Lines to open the Lines view list.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Configure the line and its associated line settings in the tabbed windows on this page:

    For details around filling out values for the line parameters, such as partitions and CSS, see the “Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide”.


  • If the Enable CSS filtering check box is selected at the customer dial plan, then for all calling search space fields in this procedure, the list of available calling search spaces includes only those that are marked as a Class of Service under Dial Plan Management > Site > Class of Service at the relevant site. If another CSS is required, you can add custom CSSs in a CSS field if you know the exact syntax.

  • If the Enable CSS filtering check box is clear, then the list of available calling search spaces includes all CSSs that are configured on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM).



Basic Information

Includes a directory number (mandatory), a route partition, calling search space, call pickup group (to which the line belongs), and other basic settings.

The Directory Number field is either a drop-down list or a free text field, or a drop-down containing only the available directory numbers (depending on whether the Number Inventory feature is enabled or disabled). Only the actual Directory Number is mandatory.

Advanced Information

Includes various profiles, groups, and advanced settings for the line; for example, MOH Audio Source and voice mail profiles.

Shared Devices

Shows any phones, device profiles, or remote destination profiles that have been associated with the particular line.

Common Line Settings

Includes fields such as hold reversion ring duration, hold reversion notification interval, party entrance tone (chosen from a drop-down list).

AAR Settings

Automated alternate routing (AAR) handles the calls that are routed to the AAR Destination Mask or Voice Mail.

Park Monitoring

Includes text fields such as park monitoring forward no retrieve destination external or internal voice mail enabled check boxes, park monitoring forward no retrieve destination external, external calling search space, internal, internal calling search space, and park monitoring reversion timer text fields.

Note: 1

If the Enable CSS filtering check box is selected at the customer dial plan, then for all calling search space fields in this procedure, the list of available calling search spaces includes only those that are marked as a Class of Service under Dial Plan Management > Site > Class of Service at the particular site.

If the Enable CSS filtering check box is cleared, then the list of available calling search spaces includes all CSSs that are configured on the Unified CM.

Call Forwarding

Includes call forward all settings, call forward busy external and internal settings, call forward no answer external and internal settings, and so on.

  1. Click Save.

    All new and updated lines and their settings also reflect in Unified CM.

    Once you’ve configured a line, you can verify the configuration via (default menus) Administration Tools > Transaction.


This only applies to the VOSS Automate Provider deployment.

Edit Lines

To update an existing line and its settings:

  1. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Lines to open the Lines view list.

  2. Click on a line to view its configuration settings in the tabs on this page.

  3. Update the lines and its settings, as required.

    For details around filling out values for the line parameters, such as partitions and CSS, see the “Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide”.

    You may, for example, wish to add additional directory URIs and directory URI partitions. Manual configuration must first be done on the Unified CM before URIs will function.

    Note that not all line settings are configured on the Lines form. Device specific settings such as caller ID display, line label, E.164 mask, and associated end user are configured via (default menus) Subscriber Management > Phones.

Delete Lines

This procedure deletes one or more lines, or line settings.

  1. Log in as a customer or site level administrator. If you are logged on as the customer administrator for a specific site you can see all the fields described in this procedure. If you are logged in as the site administrator, you can see a subset of the fields that are available on the interface.

  2. Choose a site.

  3. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Lines.

  4. Choose one of the following methods to delete lines or line settings:

    • Choose an individual line to be deleted by clicking on its box in the leftmost column, then click Delete. From the popup window, click Yes to confirm the deleted line.

    • Delete multiple lines at once by checking the relevant check boxes, then clicking Delete. From the popup window click Yes to confirm the deleted lines.

    • Remove line settings from a line as required by removing them from the relevant tab of a selected line. Click Save.


If lines are deleted while the numbers are in the Cooling or Reserved status, the numbers only become available once the release date has been reached.

When the delete action is complete, the line disappears from the list.