What’s New

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 21.3

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 21.3-PB1

  • EKB-12278: Add “Use next available line” to Quick Add Subscriber: Quick Add Subscriber for CUCM Users

  • EKB-12295: Add “Use next available line” to MS Quick Add Subscriber: Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users

  • EKB-12708: Make entitlement profile empty in the data/SubscriberProfile instances for Hybrid: Hybrid Service Definitions

  • EKB-12793: Move Subscriber - Extension Mobility Only not Updating/Moving Line: Move Subscriber

  • EKB-12904: Protocol cant be changed when adding a Phone from relation/SubscriberPhone: Site Defaults

  • EKB-12904: Protocol cant be changed when adding a Phone from relation/SubscriberPhone: View and Manage Subscribers

  • EKB-12904: Protocol cant be changed when adding a Phone from relation/SubscriberPhone: Phones

  • VOSS-1062: Microsoft Dynamic Emergency Calling (EKB-12878: Create templates for emergency device models) . See: Teams Emergency Locations

    Documentation added for MS Teams Emergency Calling

  • VOSS-1062: Microsoft Dynamic Emergency Calling (EKB-12878: Create templates for emergency device models) . See: Teams Emergency Location Networks

    Documentation added for MS Teams Emergency Calling

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12869: MS Quick Subscriber GUI Rule for line_uri and automatic_line) . See: Site Defaults

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12954: Do not allow staging of user when Manage License flag is false) . See: Site Defaults

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0): PowerShell Proxy Setup

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12791: Include a MS_Only_Role with associated Menu, Landing Page and BAP Profile) . See: Add and Edit Roles

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12742: Number Inventory updates required) . See: Global Settings

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0): Subscriber Profiles

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12732: Add Subscriber from Profile Changes needed for PS4.x) . See: Subscriber Profiles

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12742: Number Inventory updates required) . See: View the Number Inventory

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12743: Number Inventory Audit changes) . See: Number Status and Usage

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12742: Number Inventory updates required) . See: Number Range Management

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12743: Number Inventory Audit changes) . See: Audit Number Inventory

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12730: MS Quick Subscriber Template Changes to support PS4.x) . See: Microsoft Subscribers

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12890: Need to have an Unstage action on Staged users when we’re provisioning their MS licensing and subsequent Teams accounts) . See: Microsoft Licenses

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12954: Do not allow staging of user when Manage License flag is false) . See: Microsoft Licenses

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12847: Add a “New Users Only” sync for the Microsoft 365, Teams and MSExchange Data Syncs) . See: VOSS Automate Configuration and Sync

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12791: Include a MS_Only_Role with associated Menu, Landing Page and BAP Profile) . See: VOSS Automate Configuration and Sync

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12763: Function next_available_line needs to cater for staged numbers) . See: Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12730: MS Quick Subscriber Template Changes to support PS4.x) . See: Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12869: MS Quick Subscriber GUI Rule for line_uri and automatic_line) . See: Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12890: Need to have an Unstage action on Staged users when we’re provisioning their MS licensing and subsequent Teams accounts) . See: Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12954: Do not allow staging of user when Manage License flag is false) . See: Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

  • VOSS-1072: Update MS Teams Powershell Module Version (4.3.0) (EKB-12730: MS Quick Subscriber Template Changes to support PS4.x) . See: Microsoft Exchange

    Documentation changes for Microsoft functionality, following update to PowerShell.

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 21.3-PB2

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 21.3-PB3