Export a Transaction

Administrators can export upper level parent transactions. This will include their child sub-transactions as well as the associated transaction log entries in JSON format.

The exported files may also be requested by VOSS support operators for troubleshooting purposes.

  1. From the Transaction list view (default menu Administration Tools > Transaction), select a parent transaction.

  2. From the transaction details view, choose Export from the button bar. A .zip archive file is downloaded by the browser.

Transaction Export Files and Format

The .zip archive filename format:

export-tx-<Transaction ID>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<HH_MM_SS>.json.zip

Example: export-tx-20705_2019-01-22T06_18_15.json.zip for parent transaction ID 20705.

The .zip archive contains two files in JSON format:

  • The Transaction Detail file - containing transaction (parent and sub-transaction) details as on the Admin Portal - upper level and Sub Transactions table entries in JSON format:

    export-tx-<Transaction ID>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<HH>:<MM>:<SS>.json

  • The Transaction Log file - containing entries as on the table of Log entries of a transaction on the Admin Portal (up to 1000 entries) in JSON format:

    export-tx-logs-<Transaction ID>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<HH>:<MM>:<SS>.json

Transaction Detail File Format

The example snippet below shows transaction details data of the the upper level parent.

  • Upper level parent entries are identified by the same pkid and top_level values, with "parent_pkid": null.

  • Child and descendant entries show different pkid and parent_pkid values. The tree of parent and child entries can be determined by inspecting these values.

"processor_host_name": "VOSS-voss-queue",
"pkid": "c0a03e99-0c93-4d85-8736-f05b54f8fe55",
"hierarchy": "5c46a8efce894e001453b2a8",
"submitted_time": "2019-01-22T06:18:15.804000Z",
"started_time": "2019-01-22T06:18:15.839000Z",
"detail": "[ 9\\/9 ] succeeded from [ 1 ] sheet in H2-5-VOSS4...
"top_level": "c0a03e99-0c93-4d85-8736-f05b54f8fe55",
"priority": "Normal",
"duration": 3.187191,
"submitter_host_name": "VOSS",
"txn_seq_id": "20705",
"parent_pkid": null,
"action": "Execute Bulk Load",
"message": null,
"completed_time": "2019-01-22T06:18:19.026000Z",
"operation": "execute"

Transaction Log File Format

The snippet below has been formatted for readability. The transaction_id in the two entries shown will correspond with pkid entries in the Transaction Detail file, so that the Log entries can be associated with the transactions and sub-transactions.

   "severity": "info",
   "format": "text",
   "log_id": "5c46b5a7ce894e0014569a0b",
   "time": "2019-01-22T06:18:15.871000",
   "message": "H2-5-VOSS4UC-HCS-Customer_Data_ClassOfService...
   "transaction_id": "c0a03e99-0c93-4d85-8736-f05b54f8fe55"
   "severity": "info",
   "format": "text",
   "log_id": "5c46b5abce894e0014569ab3",
   "time": "2019-01-22T06:18:19.012000",
   "message": "Summary for sheet: Sheet1, No errors",
   "transaction_id": "d7aa7333-f692-40b4-a637-80cf456c1f70"