Verify Database Status

Database Health


To ensure that the database is in healthy state


  1. Log in on any unified node.

  2. Run the following command:

    database config

  3. Verify that the stateStr of each node is one of the following values:

    • stateStr: PRIMARY

    • stateStr: ARBITER

    • stateStr: SECONDARY

Step to Resolve

If any node has a stateStr not listed above, contact VOSS L2 helpdesk. Provisioning must not take place if any of the database nodes are in STARTUP, STARTUP2 or RECOVERING state.

Primary Database


To ensure the primary database is the correct node


  1. Log in on any unified node.

  2. Run the following commands:

    database primary


    cluster run database database primary

  3. Ensure the IP address matches the intended primary database expected.

Steps to Resolve

If a failover has occurred for any reason and the primary database has changed from what is expected, refer to the “Check General Cluster Health” section.

Database Weights


Database weights are used to determine how a new primary node is elected in the event of database primary node failover. Although any values can be used, for 4 database nodes the weights: 40/30/20/10 is recommended and for 6 database nodes, 60/50/40/30/20/10. These numbers ensure that if a reprovision happens (when the primary data center goes offline for an indeterminate time), the remaining nodes have weights that will allow a new primary to be chosen.


  1. Log in on any unified node.

  2. Run the following commands:

    database config

  3. Verify that weights are set with highest numbers in primary Data Center (DC), and lesser weights in secondary DC.

Steps to Resolve

Fix database weights to have the highest numbers at primary DC.