Extension Mobility (EM) Login or Logout

VOSS Automate allows a site administrator (or higher) to log a user in to or out from one or more phones configured for Extension Mobility at the Customer or Site hierarchy level.


For the feature to work, the phone must be enabled for Extension Mobility and the user must have Extension Mobility (Device Profile).

Login User

Log a user in to a phone taking note of the following:

  • The User Name drop-down (mandatory) contains only users who have Extension Mobility (Device Profile).

  • The Device Profile Name drop-down is auto populated with the user’s first Extension Mobility (Device Profile). If the user has more than one Extension Mobility (Device Profile), choose the profile to use from the drop-down.

  • The Phone Name drop-down (mandatory) contains only phones that are enabled for Extension Mobility.

  • A Login Duration (in minutes) of ‘0’ (default setting) indicates that the user will remain logged in to the phone indefinitely. Enter, for example 180, if you want to log out the user from the phone after three hours.

  • The Status field indicates either the currently logged in user or ‘No User Logged In’.

  • If you try to log a user into a phone that already has a logged in user, the Force Login check box is displayed. Select this check box and click Save to simultaneously log out the existing user and log in the new user.

Logout User

To log a user out from a phone:

  1. Choose the Phone Name from which you want to log out the user and click Save.

  2. The Status field displays either the currently logged in user or ‘No User Logged In’.

Logout User from Phones

  1. From the User Name drop-down (mandatory), choose the user you want to log out from a phone.

  2. Move the phone/s from the ‘Available’ area to the ‘Selected’ area and click Save.