HOST-RESOURCES-MIB - RFC 2790 - Management Information Base for Host Resources

Objects useful for the management of host computers. These are split into a number of groups:

  • System Group

    • hrSystemUptime: Amount of time since the host was last initialised (note this is different from sysUpTime).

    • hrSystemDate: The host’s notion of the local date and time of day

    • hrSystemProcesses: The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on this system

  • Storage Group

    • hrMemorySize: The amount of physical read-write main memory, typically RAM, contained by the host

  • For each storage device:

    • hrStorageType: The type of storage (RAM, fixed disk etc.)

    • hrStorageDescr: A description of the storage (Swap Space, mount point etc.)

  • Size of storage units, number available and number used

  • Device Group

    • For each device:

      • Type (processor, network, disk, printer etc.)

      • Description

  • For each disk storage device:

    • Access (read-write, read-only)

    • Fixed/removable

    • Capacity

  • For each disk partition:

    • Label

  • For each file system:

    • Mount point

    • Type

    • Access (read-write, read-only)

    • Bootable

  • Running Software Group

    • For each running process:

      • Name

      • Path

      • Parameters

      • Status

      • Running Software Performance Group for each running process:

      • CPU resources consumed by this process

      • Amount of real system memory allocated to this process