Localization Coverage and Caveats

The following list indicates the extent of localization coverage and caveats concerning translated text:

  • Localization in VOSS Automate covers any model, templates, and content visible in the Admin Portal. Content that is not accessible from the Admin Portal default menus is not localized. In particular, the VOSS Automate Command Line Interface (CLI) and system log messages that are available from the CLI, are not translated.

  • In some device models have fields that are dynamic (for example Unified CM models with Vendor Configuration details)and may not be localized.

  • Some details from the Transaction Log in the Admin Portal display low-level system properties that is not translated (for example Provisioning Workflow steps and Model schema actions).

  • Documentation and online help - Online help localization is limited to the field descriptions that are a part of the in context sensitive help in the Admin Portal (help button on the button bar of a specific page). The General Help menu and text (accessed via the “?” button on the top bar of the Admin Portal) is not localized. Only the Model API help menu item is available on the General Help browser tab if the user language is not English. The entries in this Model API menu item may include translated text if this data is used elsewhere in the product.

  • Device models that are not included in any templates are not localized or included in the extraction details even if they are accessible directly from the menu.

  • Customization - Field Display Policies and for example cloned and modified models such as Menu Layouts that contain strings which are not in the language database, are not translated. Refer to the Language Customization topic for more details and the procedure for the translation of these.

  • When adding VOSS Automate administrator users, the list of available languages are only those installed for administrator users, while for users in VOSS Automate with a selfservice role, the list of available languages are only those installed for selfservice users.