Create a Menu Layout

This procedure adds a new menu layout.

  1. Log in to VOSS Automate as a Provider or Reseller administrator, or higher.

  2. Choose the hierarchy for the new menu layout.

  3. Go to (default menus) Role Management > Menu Layouts.

  4. To create a new menu layout …

    • Based on settings in an existing menu layout (recommended) (create a clone)

      Click on the menu layout you want to re-use. On the editing screen, click the toolbar Clone icon. A new record is created with pre-populated settings.

    • Without existing settings (a new record)

      Click the toolbar Plus icon (+) to open the Menu Layouts/New Record page.

  5. Fill out a name and description for the new menu layout.


    If you’re editing a clone of an existing menu layout, you may need to edit existing settings and add new values for the new menu layout.

  6. Add menu items (or edit existing settings for a cloned menu layout):

    • In the Menu Items section, click the Plus icon (+) to open the menu layout editing page.

    • Configure the new menu item:

      • Enter a display title and description for the new menu item.

      • Optionally, in the Condition field, specify a macro to use as a criteria that determines whether the menu and its sub-menus display.


        When the macro evaluates to true, the menu and its sub-menus display, else, when the macro evaluates to false, the menu and its sub-menus are hidden. The default is true. The default also applies when no condition criteria is specified. See the following topics in the Core Feature Guide for details: Menu Layout Page, Macros in VOSS Automate

      • From the Icon drop-down, choose an icon for the menu item.

      • From the Type drop-down, select the model type to associate with the title you defined (above).

      • In the Href field, define a link to to be used for external or internal links.


        Hrefs are generally recommended for external links. For backwards compatibility, hrefs can be used for links within the application, to link directly to a form:

        For example, the Add Phone page would have the following href value: api/relation/SubscriberPhone/add

        In this case, you will need to use JSON format menu import, or bulk load, to add any associated field display policies (FDPs) and configuration templates for the menu item.

        It is recommended that you do not use hrefs to reference view/ type models.

      • Select the Field Display Policy and the Configuration Template for this menu item.

      • From the Custom Component drop-down, select the VOSS portal custom component. See: Custom Components for Menu Layouts and Landing Pages.

      • From the Landing Page drop-down, select the landing page to associate with the menu item.


        • This option is only available in the new VOSS Automate Admin Portal GUI.

        • Sub-menus cannot be landing pages.

        • Landing pages do not have context-sensitive help.

      • From the Display As drop-down, select the display format for this menu item. Options are as follows:

        • List:

          Default. If you choose List display, and you’ve selected a default field display policy and configuration template for the model type, users with a user role associated with the menu layout view the model type based on these options. It is also possible to filter the list view. See Configurable Filters in Menus and Landing Pages.

          If you choose List display referenced by type or href, note that a tool (tool/[toolname]) can also be presented as a list, for example: /api/tool/Transaction/?entity=data/Event&operation=execute

        • Landing Page:

          If you choose Landing Page display, you can select an existing landing page, which will display when this menu item is chosen. See Landing Pages and Add and Edit Landing Pages.

          Note that this option is only is only available if you’re using the new VOSS Admin Portal GUI.

        • Form:

          If you’re using href and you choose the Form display, note that the href value points to a model instance with the pkid, for example data/Countries/5331a739d0278d7893e26d2e, or ends with /add/.

          The view/ model types always open the Add form; thus, if used, the value should not have the /add/ endpoint, for example, as in this JSON:

            "type": "view/QuickSubscriber",
            "display": "form",
            "title": "Quick Add Subscriber"
        • External Link:

          Choosing an External Link display is the recommended use with href, where a URL specified as the href value opens as a new browser tab. You will need to disable pop-up blocking on the users browsers to allow the external link to resolve.

        • Tree (if available)

          Choosing a Tree display shows a tree view of the resource. When using href with Tree display, the href provides the tree path.

    • Configure fixed and configurable filters for the new menu item.

    • Click OK to add the menu item.

    • To add additional menu items, repeat step 6.

      The menu items you added display in the Menu Items section of the Menu Layouts/New Record page, one per row in the table.

  7. To re-order menu items, hold down the hamburger icon in the first column for the relevant row; then drag the menu item to the required position in the table.

  8. Click the Save icon on the toolbar to add the new menu layout.

  9. Assign the menu layout to the appropriate roles.


When editing a menu layout, updates display only once you’ve logged out and logged in again.