Model Filter Criteria for Microsoft

Model filter criteria defines how the MSOL user is matched to corresponding data in VOSS Automate, and allows users and related data to be moved to the correct system levels (customer or site) on import (in a sync or overbuild), based on attributes defined for the user in Microsoft Azure.

Administrator users with access to the data/ModelFilterCriteria model can manage instances of this model so that these are available for selection in the Site Defaults Doc of a site.

The Site Defaults Doc provides a MS 365 User Model Filter Criteria drop down field to select the created model filter.

Create a Model Filter

  1. Identify the source and target model and field that will be used in the filter.

  2. Go to (default menu) Customizations > Model Filter Criteria.

  3. Click Add to add a new record, or clone an existing model filter critera and update it to create a new model filter.

  4. Provide a Name, Description, and Usage (e.g. Overbuild) for the filter.

  5. From the Type drop-down, select the source model, for example device/msgraph/MsolUser.

  6. Click the Plus sign (+) in the Criteria group to add one or more criteria.

    Each criteria is defined by the following:



Unary Operator

None, or NOT: to operate on the match Condition with the target value


The field from the source model, for example City from device/msgraph/MsolUser.


Options are exact and non-exact types of contains and equals, as well as a regex search option.


The target value that identifies the site in VOSS Automate. The value can also be a named macro, for example, {{ macro.OVERBUILD_SITE_CITY_NAME }}.

Conditional Operator

AND or OR: only needed and used to indicate the type of Boolean combination with the following criteria instance, if an additional instance is added.

  1. Save the model filter.

    The new model filter will now be available for selection in the Site Defaults Doc of a site, and will for example be applied in the Microsoft overbuild if Include Site for Overbuild and Microsoft Users is enabled.

    When running the overbuild, the system loops through the site defaults to identify sites with Include Site for Overbuild enabled, and moves related user data to the site based on the chosen model filter criteria rule.

    In this example, all device/msgraph/MsolUser instances synced in will be moved to the site matching {{ macro.OVERBUILD_SITE_CITY_NAME }} if their City value matches.

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