Move Users

You can move users between any hierarchy nodes at or below the hierarchy node where the users were originally created or synced in. A common practice is to move users synced in at a customer hierarchy node to various customer sites.


The following restrictions exist when moving users that have been pushed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager users can be moved only down the hierarchy.

  • An NDL containing the same Cisco Unified Communications Manager that the users were pushed to must be referenced at or below the target hierarchy node.


Site-to-Site user move is not supported in the Enterprise product, and will fail with dialplan errors.

You can choose the users to be moved in the following three ways:

  • Move users by filters - To choose the users depending on one or more user attributes, for example City or Street

  • Move users by usernames - To choose multiple users by their usernames

  • Move user by username - To move an individual user

When you move users, choose a Move To Role from the drop-down for the users that is appropriate for the target hierarchy node.