SIP Gateway Port

View, Add, or Delete a Gateway Port

This procedure displays, updates, and deletes existing gateway ports, and adds new gateway ports.

  1. Go to (default menus) Apps Management > IOS > SIP Gateway Port.

  2. Choose a site.

  3. View the list of existing gateway ports.

  4. Choose an option:

    • To delete an existing port, select the checkbox for the relevant ports, and click Delete.

    • To update an existing port, click the port name in the list. Update as required. Save your changes.

    • To add a new port, go to step 5.

  5. To add a new port, click Add. Fill out the form with the new port details:

    • In LBO Gateway Name, choose the gateway where you will add the new port.

    • In Port Number enter a port number (free text field).

    • Choose a port type, either T1 or E1, and optionally, add a description.


      If you’ve chosen a T1 port:

      • Choose a Framing option, either sf (super frame) or esf (extended super frame).

      • Choose a Line Coding option, either b8zs or ami.

      If you’ve chosen E1 port:

      • Choose a Framing option, either crc4 or no-crc4.

      • Line Coding defaults to hdb3, which is the only option for this port type.

    • In Clock Source, choose either line or internal.

    • Choose Protocol Side, either Network or User.

    • Choose a ISDN Switch Type.

    • Choose ISDN B-Channel Number Order, either ascending or descending.

    • Define whether to set calling/called party number NOA for outgoing calls.

  6. Save your changes.

    A workflow pushes the data, and triggers the Command Builder. The commands for setting up the port are available via (default menus) Apps Management > IOS > Commands. You can paste these commands into the gateway. Commands for updates and deletes can also be found in the Commands log.