Quick Add Group Customization

Quick Add Groups provide a selection of service defaults for use in Subscriber management, in particular when the Quick Add Subscriber feature is used. More than one Quick Add Group can be available at a site so that it can be selected during the Quick Add Subscriber workflow. Refer to the topic on Quick Add Groups under the Site level documentation for an overview.

Administrators at customer hierarchy level and higher can modify Quick Add Groups. By default, a Quick Add Group is created for each site when it is created. The service defaults that are applied at the site level are stored in a Quick Add Group called “default” and serves as a template for the one created at the site. Administrators can view this template, but it cannot be modified.

The service defaults that are available in a Quick Add Group are stored as Configuration Templates to services.

Customization is carried out at the site level and can be done by either:

  • creating new Quick Add Groups (and Configurations Templates)

  • creating and selecting different Configuration Templates for use in an existing Quick Add Group.