Management Information Bases


  • The VOSS Automate system uses standard MIBs that are usually deployed as part of a Network Management System (NMS).

    No VOSS Automate specific MIBs are available.

    The standard MIBs can for example be inspected from on-line resources, such as

  • String values in the trap descriptions and examples shown here is illustrative purposes only.

  • Multi-line display in the trap examples shown here is done for formatting purposes only.

SNMP information is grouped together in Management Information Bases (MIBs). The MIBs loaded on the VOSS Automate system represent all the configuration/data items that can be queried or be used to generate traps (notifications) when certain events occur. A list of all MIBs loaded on the system is provided below.

In order to manage the system, a Network Management System (NMS) should be installed at the customer site (e.g. HP OpenView, iReasoningMib Browser). The NMS should be loaded with the same set of MIBs as those installed on the system. The NMS should be configured to send SNMP queries to the managed host (i.e. correct IP address, port number (default 161), community string (default public), and version (default version 2c).

Further, the NMS should be configured to receive traps from the managed host - the correct IP, port number (default 162), version (default version 2), and community strings (default public) should be provided).

SNMP items can be selected in the MIBs and the item queried on the remote managed system. The remote system will return a response to the MIB entry being queried.

For example, if the following entry is queried

. alias ''

the system will return the system name that was assigned during setup (e.g. sysName.0 ‘Voss Node00’).

Note that if any of the configured details on the NMS are incorrect, it is likely that the query will never reach the managed host and no response will be received.

Please ensure that version 2 is selected with the correct community string (default public).

When the managed system generates certain events, it will forward a SNMP trap. The reason for the event trap is contained in the SNMP MIB string.

Note that if the corresponding SNMP MIB is not loaded on the NMS, a numerical representation of the SNMP entry is provided.

The list of monitored events is described in the SNMP Trap section below.

Refer to the MIB List at the end of this document for the list of net-SNMP packages that ship with VOSS Automate.