Move Users (provider deployment)

You can move users between any hierarchy nodes at or below the hierarchy node where the users were originally created or synced in. Typically, users synced in at a customer hierarchy node are moved to various customer sites.

When moving users, choose an appropriate role for the target hierarchy from the following drop-down: Move To Role

Restrictions that apply when moving users

The table describes restrictions that apply when moving users:



Moving users that have been pushed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager

  • CUCM users can only be moved down the hierarchy.

  • An NDL containing the same CUCM that the users were pushed to must be referenced at or below the target hierarchy node.

Moving users between sites

  • You can’t move users between customers.

  • You can move users only between sites that:

    • Reference the same NDL

    • Have the same type of site dial plan

    • Have the same country

Different methods for moving users

The table describes three ways to move users:

Move users by filters

Choose users to move, based on one or more user attributes, for example, City or Street.

Move users by usernames

Move multiple users at once (bulk move).

Move user by username

Move a single user.


  • When moving a user for SLC dialplan the lines associated to the agent line and the shared line show warnings in the form of logs.

  • User at site level cannot be moved.

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