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Manage Your Password and PIN

You can manage the Passwords and PINs that you use to access UC services in your solution.


Password management is not available if your system is setup for LDAP authentication or Single Sign-on. If change password is available, it is used to access the self-service portal as well as other UC services depending on your assigned services and system setup.

Your administrator allocates a password to you upon creating your user account. See First Login.

Make sure that your passwords are secure. Passwords must include at least one numeral, punctuation character and must be a combination of upper case and lower case letters. See Change Your Password and Password Hints and Rules.


The change PIN capability allows you to change your PIN to access the services you have been assigned that require PINs for access, e.g. Voicemail and Phone Login for roaming.

You are allocated a default PIN when your administrator creates your user and roaming profile. See Change Your PIN.