Country Dial Plan Deployment Overview

Each country dial plan deployed consists of a single partition containing all the patterns that handle the dialing behavior for that country. The partition is configured with the ‘All Day’ Time Schedule. The objective of each pattern in this partition is to eliminate Post Dialing Delay (PDD), normalize the Called Number, prefix the first feature code of the feature chain and set the Call Type to the normalized called number.

If there is Local Dialing behavior, then it is necessary to define a per-site local call handling partition. The patterns in this partition are built based on the following data collected from the user:

  • Local Area Code if present and is or is not required for local dialing

  • The number of digits for the Local (Subscriber) number.

The pattern objective is to eliminate PDD for local dialing, normalize the called number and prefix the first feature code. The local call traverses the feature chain like any other PSTN Call Type.

Besides defining the dialing behavior, it is also necessary to define per-country routing. In general, the routing is similar for every country except for the route list used. Hence it is a matter of copying an existing country routing defined and changing the route pattern route list name.