GUI Rules

For model forms, a set of rules can be defined that specify:

  1. An initial state of the model form.

  2. A change in its behavior and values on it in accordance with data and events that take place on the form.

This set of rules is defined in a GUI Rule model and it applies to a selected model’s form when it is used.

GUI Rules can, for example, be used to hide or show input controls, to enter values or to enable controls in accordance with change or input on the form.

When a GUI Rule is created, the design form applies to the specified model. Field Specific rules can be specified as well as Events on fields. Events are associated with Actions on fields. In other words, if a certain event takes place in a field, actions can be carried out on other fields.

The actions of an event depend on conditions. More than one condition can be specified.


  • In the case where a GUI Rule is applied to a Device Model, the attributes of all device versions are available for events and actions. The GUI drop-down lists for GUI Rules would list the union of device attributes. In other words, since all device versions are supported by GUI Rules, a GUI Rule can be defined to support all these device versions. If a specific form on the GUI does not display a particular field, any related GUI Rule will not be applied to the form.

  • An event GUI Rule at a higher hierarchy level will precede a Field Specific GUI Rule at a lower hierarchy level, but for Dropdown Filters, we create event GUI Rules at the lower hierarchy level, thereby avoiding this precedence.