.. _export_a_transaction: Export a Transaction -------------------- .. _19.1.1|EKB-2: Administrators can export upper level parent transactions. This will include their child sub-transactions as well as the associated transaction log entries in JSON format. The exported files may also be requested by VOSS support operators for troubleshooting purposes. 1. From the **Transaction** list view (default menu **Administration Tools > Transaction**), select a parent transaction. #. From the transaction details view, choose **Export** from the button bar. A ``.zip`` archive file is downloaded by the browser. Transaction Export Files and Format ................................... The ``.zip`` archive filename format: *export-tx-_--
T.json.zip* Example: ``export-tx-20705_2019-01-22T06_18_15.json.zip`` for parent transaction ID 20705. The ``.zip`` archive contains two files in JSON format: * The Transaction Detail file - containing transaction (parent and sub-transaction) details as on the Admin Portal - upper level and **Sub Transactions** table entries in JSON format: *export-tx-_--
T::.json* * The Transaction Log file - containing entries as on the table of **Log** entries of a transaction on the Admin Portal (up to 1000 entries) in JSON format: *export-tx-logs-_--
T::.json* Transaction Detail File Format .............................. The example snippet below shows transaction details data of the the upper level parent. * Upper level parent entries are identified by the same ``pkid`` and ``top_level`` values, with ``"parent_pkid": null``. * Child and descendant entries show different ``pkid`` and ``parent_pkid`` values. The tree of parent and child entries can be determined by inspecting these values. :: "processor_host_name": "VOSS-voss-queue", "pkid": "c0a03e99-0c93-4d85-8736-f05b54f8fe55", "hierarchy": "5c46a8efce894e001453b2a8", "submitted_time": "2019-01-22T06:18:15.804000Z", "started_time": "2019-01-22T06:18:15.839000Z", "detail": "[ 9\\/9 ] succeeded from [ 1 ] sheet in H2-5-VOSS4... "top_level": "c0a03e99-0c93-4d85-8736-f05b54f8fe55", "priority": "Normal", "duration": 3.187191, "submitter_host_name": "VOSS", "txn_seq_id": "20705", "parent_pkid": null, "action": "Execute Bulk Load", "message": null, "completed_time": "2019-01-22T06:18:19.026000Z", "operation": "execute" Transaction Log File Format ........................... The snippet below has been formatted for readability. The ``transaction_id`` in the two entries shown will correspond with ``pkid`` entries in the Transaction Detail file, so that the Log entries can be associated with the transactions and sub-transactions. :: { "severity": "info", "format": "text", "log_id": "5c46b5a7ce894e0014569a0b", "time": "2019-01-22T06:18:15.871000", "message": "H2-5-VOSS4UC-HCS-Customer_Data_ClassOfService... "transaction_id": "c0a03e99-0c93-4d85-8736-f05b54f8fe55" }, { "severity": "info", "format": "text", "log_id": "5c46b5abce894e0014569ab3", "time": "2019-01-22T06:18:19.012000", "message": "Summary for sheet: Sheet1, No errors", "transaction_id": "d7aa7333-f692-40b4-a637-80cf456c1f70" },