Site Location Codes

A Site Location Code (SLC) is a number composed of one or more digits in the range 0 to 9, used to prefix the extension number to create a unique directory number (DN). This enables the same extension number to exist in multiple sites (that is, overlapping extension numbers). Only one SLC is allowed at each site, and the SLC must be unique within the customer. An SLC is used to group a set of DNs to a site that has similar characteristics. The length may be determined on a site-by-site basis. VOSS Automate does not allow a site code to be created that has either of the following characteristics:

  1. Has a first portion that matches an existing site code

  2. Matches the first portion of an existing, longer site code

For example, if site code 123 already exists and the user attempts to create site code 12, then the provisioning system does not allow it because site code 12 matches the first portion of 123. Similarly, if the user attempts to create site code 1234, then the provisioning system does not allow it because the existing site code 123 matches the first portion of 1234.

The restrictions above are required to prevent calls from being routed to the wrong site partitions due to overlapping numbers.


Within the document, site and location are used interchangeably.


There are no SLCs for Flat Dial Plan (G2).


There are no SLCs for Flat Dial Plan (Type 4).