Reset-Restart Site Phones

This feature allows an administrator to reset or restart all phones at a specified site.


This feature only works for devices that are registered with Unified CM.

  1. Browse to the required site at which you want to reset or restart phones.

  2. Open the Reset-Restart Site Phones form (default menu Subscriber Management > Reset-Restart Site Phones) and from the Action to Take drop-down select either:

    • Reset All Phones. To shut down devices and bring them back up.

    • Restart All Phones. To restart devices without shutting them down.

  3. Click Save.

Individual phones can also be reset or restarted by clicking on the phone on the Phones list view (default menu Subscriber Management > Phones):

  • Click the Restart Phone button to restart a device without shutting it down.

  • Click the Reset Phone button to shut down a device and bring it back up.