Configure Phones

This procedure configures phones.

Preparation for Adding Phones (CUCM)

Before adding phones in VOSS Automate, you will need to add and configure the following items on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM), and then import these items into VOSS Automate:

  • Softkey templates (Softkey templates can be set up on CUCM or in VOSS Automate)

  • Phone button templates

  • Service parameters and enterprise parameters for subscriber services

  • Custom SIP profiles

  • Service profiles for Jabber

  • Phone services

View and Update Sites Defaults for Phones

When setting up VOSS Automate, default values are created when adding Providers, Customers, and Sites. For example, the Site IDs. If the site dial plan specifies Device Pool, CSS, and Partition names, these can also be selected. To identify the site-related values, see the naming conventions used in Modify Site Defaults.

The Site Defaults also populates certain default values for phones.

To view and update site defaults for phones:

  1. In the VOSS Automate Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Site Management > Defaults.

  2. Click the relevant site defaults doc in the list.

  3. View or update phone parameter defaults for the site on the following tabs:

    • General Defaults tab

    • Device Defaults tab

      See Modify Site Defaults for details regarding the value to fill out for phone parameters such as partitions and CSSs.


    • CSS Filtering only applies to HCS dial plans.

    • If Enable CSS filtering is selected in the customer dial plan, the available calling search spaces includes only those marked as Class of Service at the site (via, default menus, Dial Plan Management > Site > Class of Service). You can add a custom CSS in a CSS field if you know the exact syntax.

    • If Enable CSS filtering checkbox is cleared, the available calling search spaces includes all CSSs configured on Unified CM.

Add a Phone

This procedure adds a phone.


It is recommended that you use Smart Add phone to add standalone phones and use Quick Add Subscriber to add phones to subscribers. See Smart Add Phone: Overview and Quick Add Subscriber: Overview.

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a Provider, Customer, or Site admin.


    Only a subset of fields are available to Site admins.

  2. Choose the hierarchy.

  3. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Phones.

  4. View the list of phones on the Phones list.


    An administrator with the required access profile can click Fetch real-time phone status on the toolbar to fetch the Unified CM phone IP address and status directly from the Unified CM. Data is fetched in real-time and displays read-only values in the following columns:

    • Registration Status column (for example, “None”, “UnRegistered with CUCM-11-5-IP2”, “Registered with CUCM-11-5-IP2”)

    • IP Address column

    Fetched data is not cached or stored in the database, and cannot be exported or filtered. Real-time data displays the latest data for the current list of phones on the Admin Portal. Prior to fetching real-time status updates, existing column values display cached values from the RIS data collector (if enabled).

    The Activate Phone Status Service setting is enabled by default and can be managed by system level administrators. See the Advanced Configuration Guide for details.

  5. Click Add, then configure the phone and its associated settings on the following tabs.




    Default values are applied for some fields (such as Device Protocol, BAT Phone Template, and Device Security Profile), based on the selected product type.

    The Vendor Config settings are related to the selected phone type.

    Fields that display are based on the selected Product (device type) and the Device Protocol (such as SIP or SCCP).

    The supported features available for each phone type are retrieved from the related Unified CM.

    To override the default Phone Button Template, either choose another template, or enter a custom value. The new value is applied on the Unified CM if it allows that phone type.

    If you don’t see a template that you are looking for in the drop-down list (for example, for Phone Button Template, Device Security Profile or SIP Profile), edit the template on Unified CM, and then sync the template into VOSS Automate to have it appear in the drop-down list.

    If the Product type list does not contain the phone or endpoint you want, take the following steps. In Unified CM, install a COP file for the endpoint you want. Install the COP file only once for the Unified CM instance where the endpoint is added. Then in VOSS Automate, import the phone button template from Unified CM.

    Follow these steps while creating a CTI Remote Device to enable Extend and Connect in VOSS Automate:

    1. Enter the Device Name. For example, CTIRD<USERID>.

    2. Choose the Product as CTI Remote Device.

    3. Choose the Owner User ID from the drop-down list.

    4. Choose the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space name from the drop-down list.

    5. Choose the Rerouting Calling Search Space name from the drop-down list.


    This tab serves two purposes.

    1. To show all the lines that are associated with the device

    2. To associate lines with the device.

    The Lines sections reflect the Lines object in Unified CM. You can add lines to this group and associate lines with the device. You can add custom lines by entering a line in the drop-down list. If Number Inventory is enabled, you can select a number from the list of available numbers.

    Speed Dials

    Allows you to configure speed dials for the device. Available speed dials depend on the device’s Phone Button Template. The order in which Speed Dial entries are added matches the slots that are available in Unified CM.


    Used to set IP Phone services. Once you choose the IP phone service, the system retrieves the URL and a custom parameter (if any, for example, ext1 and ext2) from device/cucm/IpPhoneService, and populates the URL field.

    Busy Lamp Fields

    Allows you to configure busy lamps for the device. Available busy lamp fields depend on the device’s Phone Button Template.

    Blf Directed Call Parks

    Allows you to configure Busy Lamp Field directed call parks for the device. Available BLF-directed call parks depend on the device’s Phone Button Template. Create BLF-directed call parks in Call Routing > Directed Call Parks on Unified CM before configuring them from this tab. The available BLF-directed call parks match those created for each specific Route Partition Name.



    Dual Mode Settings

    Only applies to a Dual Mode Phone, Spark Remote Device, or CTI Remote Device, and allows you to enter the relevant Mobile Identity and Remote Destination (or CTI Remote Destination) parameters for the device. These parameters include Name, Destination Number, Owner User ID, Dual Mode Device Name (or CTI Remote Device), and Answer Too Soon and Too Late Timers.

    Certificate Authority Functions

    Only applies to a Dual Mode Phone, Spark Remote Device, or CTI Remote Device, and allows you to enter the relevant Mobile Identity and Remote Destination (or CTI Remote Destination) parameters for the device. These parameters include Name, Destination Number, Owner User ID, Dual Mode Device Name (or CTI Remote Device), and Answer Too Soon and Too Late Timers.

    The date-time value must be added manually as: CCYY:MM:DD:HH:MM

    For Certificate Authority Functions, see also Certificate Authority Functions Fields.

  1. Save your changes to add the phone.

Update a Phone

Note the following for updating a phone:

  • The system checks that a line exists when you add it. If it doesn’t exist, the line is added.

  • The line edit form contains a hyperlink to the line settings that opens the Line relation details. Once you save your changes, the Phone page re-opens. Alternatively, you can use the browser Back button to return to the Phone editing page.

  • If your menu layout has more than one entry for line management (relation/LineRelation) and associated Field Display Policy, then the form opened by the Link to Line hyperlink applies the first one (searching from top to bottom) found in the menu layout.

  • The phone and User Remote Destination are updated.


If the required Unified CM setting “Customer Support upload URL” is configured at the Enterprise, Profile, or Device level, then the Action menu option Generate Prt Phone can be used to send a Problem Report Tool (PRT) file to the upload URL.

View and Update Phone Vendor Config Settings

The Vendor Config settings will display if the Field Display Policy (FDP) allows it.

You can access the vendor configuration settings for a phone as follows:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Phones.

  2. On the Phones list view, click on a phone to open its settings.

  3. On the Phones tab, scroll down to the bottom of the page to locate the Vendor Config setting.

  4. Click Vendor Config to open the configuration screen:

    Settings can be enabled or disabled. Ensure you’re setting values correctly for Bulk Loaders, the API, or in custom Configuration Templates, where values must be defined as key-value pairs:

    • On Unified CM, in some cases the value 0 is “Enabled” and in other cases 0 is “Disabled”.

    • It is recommended that settings on the Unified CM are configured manually on a sample phone to the value you want, before exporting the phone. Then use the example settings as the basis for your Bulk Loaders, API, or custom Configuration Templates.

    • The required value may change depending on the setting being applied, for example:

      To enable the “Web Access” for a phone, configure the following:

      • Key: webAccess

      • Value: 0

      To disable “Web Access” for a phone, configure the following:

      • Key: webAccess

      • Value: 1

      To enable “Settings Access”, configure the following:

      • Key: settingsAccess

      • Value: 1

      To disable “Settings Access”, configure the following:

      • Key: settingsAccess

      • Value: 0