LDAP Schedule#


You can sync users in to VOSS Automate from LDAP by activating a scheduled sync, or by running a manual sync.

Activate a LDAP Scheduled Sync#

This procedure activates a LDAP sync from a schedule.


  • LDAP server must be present

Perform these steps:

  1. Go to (default menus) LDAP Management > LDAP Schedule.

  2. Click on a LDAP schedule.

  3. On the Base tab, select the Active checkbox.

  4. Click Save.

    The system attempts to sync users from the LDAP server. It may take a few minutes for the users to show up in VOSS Automate.


    You can’t cancel a sync once it’s running, and you can’t delete an LDAP server while a sync is in progress.

  5. Once the sync completes, verify that users are synced in:

    • Navigate to the LDAP server hierarchy to view the lists on the LDAP Users menus.

    • Verify that users are synced in from LDAP, at (default menus) User Management > Users.

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