Onboard Assets#

If VOSS Insights Arbitrator servers are configured at a hierarchy, you can manage the clusters and Arbitrator servers in a batch, for existing UC app clusters (CUCM and CUC) in VOSS Automate.


At the time of writing (VOSS Automate 21.3), modification of any existing monitoring on UC Apps is not supported. However, once a CUCM or CUC server is created, use the Onboard/Offboard Asset tools to enable/disable monitoring.

  1. In the VOSS Admin Portal, go to Apps Management > VOSS Insights > Onboard Assets.

  2. Choose a Customer hierarchy.

  3. From the Credential Type drop down, keep the default, ADMIN, or choose a different credential type.


    This field defines the credential type of the UC server to use for asset configuration on the Arbitrator.

  4. View available CUCM and CUC clusters and Arbitrators, then select options in the Available fields and move these to the Selected fields in the relevant transfer boxes.

  5. Click Save.

    • You can inspect the onboarding workflow transaction log to view the updates and import of the CUCM and CUC server service parameters and all provisioning workflow steps. See Onboarding Provisioning

    • All servers (assets) in the selected cluster are onboarded (created on Arbitrator). Servers that are already onboarded are skipped.

    • One asset group is created per customer (required by Arbitrator).

    • For details on probe groups, see Probe Groups, Profiles, and Asset Onboarding

    • Credentials created on Arbitrator use the chosen credential type user credentials you chose. These credentials are used to make the request to the asset, for example AXL user for CUCM.

    • For CUCM, service parameters are updated for each server:

      • Setting up remote syslog

      • Enable CDR and related settings

      • Create the application user, if this is a Publisher

    • If an existing CUCM is updated, it is updated to show it is monitored by the Arbitrator.

Related Topics

Additional Onboarding Tools for Single Clusters and Servers#

VOSS Automate provides a number of additional views that are not, by default, exposed in the default menus, but which have access profiles enabled for Provider and higher-level administrators. These views allow you to onboard single assets.

You can add these views to the menus, if required:

  • Onboard Insights Asset CUCM Server

  • Onboard Insights Asset CUC Server

  • Onboard Insights Asset CUCM Cluster

  • Onboard Insights Asset CUC Cluster

These tools do not direct you to a particular hierarchy and the views allow you to carry out the tasks on the page by selecting the following:

  • Credential Type

  • CUCM/CUC Server or cluster

  • Arbitrator Server

The views offer the same functionality as the transfer boxes available via the Onboard Assets and Offboard Assets menus. However:

  • You won’t be forced to choose a particular hierarchy.

  • Tasks can be carried out for a shared architecture; for example, if the cluster is located at a reseller hierarchy.