Number Range Management#



For more details specific to managing number ranges specific to the UC vendors you are using, refer to Vendor Specific Guidance and Notes.

The Number Range management feature allows you to create a range of internal numbers at a customer, site or intermediate node in the hierarchy. The latter option allows for number ranges to be available for all sites below the intermediate nodes.

When adding a range that includes existing numbers, these cannot be modified. New unused numbers will be added only to complete the range. In other words, the range will show up as complete, with unused numbers in between numbers imported from Unified CM.

Number ranges can also be deleted. Numbers in the range that have a status of Used, Used-Utility, Reserved or Cooling will be ignored and can not be deleted. If these numbers are modified to the Available status, and not in use, they can then be deleted. The Available and Reserved status of numbers can also be modified manually once they are added.


  • Using bulk loader sheet or API, you can create the number inventory at the customer hierarchy only. The Details column of sub-transactions shows whether the number already exists or if it is creating a new number. If any numbers exist in the range, the sub-transaction fails and the parent transaction shows the status Success with Async Failures.

Add, Modify, or Delete a Number or Number Range#

Numbers can be added or deleted. When modifying a number, you can only edit the free text fields. The usage and availability property for each number is associated with a line or taken into use by a service.

Since the number inventory is not partition aware, if the same directory number is used on a cluster but in different partitions, then VOSS Automate workflows will update the inventory when any of those instances are changed. For instance, if there is a number 1111 in the Cluster X partition and a number 1111 in the Cluster Y partition, then the number is marked as Used.

If one of those instances are deleted, we check to see if there are other instances of that line based on the number only (not partition), before clearing the Used flag. In this case, the other instance will be found and the inventory will stay marked as Used.

  1. Browse to the hierarchy at which you want manage the number range.

  2. Open the Number Range Management form (default menu Number Management > Number Range Management) and if required, you can choose the target site from the Target Site drop-down. This is required in some dial plans (site code based dial plan) or can optionally be used to choose a site if you want to add the numbers to a specific site.

  3. From the Operation drop-down, choose Add, Modify or Delete.


    • When adding or modifying a number range, the Status of the numbers is Available by default. However you can change this to Reserved from the Status drop-down. If set to Reserved, you can also enter the Reservation duration (days) value, e.g. 30, after which period the number/s will return to the Available status. If this value is left blank, the number/s will be reserved indefinitely.

      See also Number Reservation.
    • When deleting a number range, only the Operation, Target Site, starting Extension and Ending Extension fields are visible. Lines cannot be marked as Available or Reserved, and the check boxes are hidden.

  1. Enter the Starting Extension and Ending Extension. The maximum allowed range is 1000 for a single action. The starting extension should always be smaller than the ending extension.

    If you are adding or deleting a single number, the starting and ending extension number will be the same. If numbers in the range already exist, they will not be affected - only non-existing numbers will be added.

  2. Choose the relevant Vendor for the number range and based on that, select the appropriate internal number type if relevant. See Vendor Specific Guidance and Notes for more details specific to your use case.

  3. Edit free text fields, for example Tag, Description, Reservation notes E164Number (if applicable), and Extra1 to Extra9.

  4. Click Save to save the single or range of numbers that you added, modified or deleted. If a number in a deleted range was set as Used, it will not be deleted.

The numbers at a specific hierarchy can be viewed on the Number Inventory list view (default menu Number Management > Number Inventory). See Viewing Numbers.

When a line is added and selected from the drop-down list of available numbers, it has a status of Used. If the line is used by a device or service that does not allow a shared line (for example, a Hunt Pilot), it has a status of Used-Utility. See Number Status and Usage.

Internal numbers are available when adding subscribers.

Modify an individual number#

You can also modify an individual number from the list view (Viewing Numbers) by selecting it.

  1. Click Reserve Number on the button bar of the number instance form to reserve it.

  2. Edit free text fields, for example: Tag, Description, Reservation notes, E164Number (if applicable), and Extra1 to Extra9.

  3. Click Save.

Persisting and Modifying Values in Extra Fields#

Note the following properties of the extra fields Extra1 to Extra9:

  • When managing the Number Inventory, users can modify the fields Extra1 to Extra9.

  • When the status of a number changes from for example Used to Available (for example, when an associated device is unassociated with the line), then any values originally of the fields Extra1 to Extra9 remain unchanged by default.

  • A default custom Configuration Template (CFT) called IniUpdateCustomCFT that applies to data/InternalNumberInventory is available to clone to the user hierarchy and then to modify the custom persistence of extra field values. For details on CFT cloning and custom configuration, refer to the Advanced Configuration Guide.


    Any changes to this custom CFT only apply to updates in workflows resulting in number status changes - manual updates are not affected.

    The following default values in this CFT can be modified according to your needs:

    "description": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.description }}",
    "extra1": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra1 }}",
    "extra2": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra2 }}",
    "extra3": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra3 }}",
    "extra4": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra4 }}",
    "extra5": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra5 }}",
    "extra6": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra6 }}",
    "extra7": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra7 }}",
    "extra8": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra8 }}",
    "extra9": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.extra9 }}",
    "tag": "{{ pwf.ini_dat_before.tag }}"

    The default macros for each extra field can thus be replaced inside the cloned CFT with custom text and macros as needed. Use the macro {{ macro.CLEAR }} if it is necessary to clear a field.

  • The Description field is always cleared when the status of the number changes to Available, regardless of CFT value. For other number status changes, the CFT value will apply.

    There is full customization functionality of the Description field available to allow values in accordance with VOSS Automate feature usage.

    For details, see Number Inventory Flexibility and Description Customization
  • This CFT cannot be used to modify any other VOSS managed fields in data/InternalNumberInventory.