API Examples Overview and Conventions#

The example sections illustrate the use of the API for a number of calls, using the curl command line tool. Each example shows the command and the console output.

  • API calls are illustrated:

    • From server http://localhost

    • Referencing a relation: relation/LineRelation.

  • User authorization is for two administrator users:

    • one user has additional permissions to import and bulk load.

    • The Authorization header and hierarchy parameter in the URL identify the two users.

    • Field Display Policies and Configuration Templates in URL parameters can differ according to the MenuLayout associated with the user role, for example, &policy_name=LineMenuFDPSite is a Field Display Policy applied to relation/LineRelation from a Site administrator user menu.

  • Where a response to an API call shows an instance of /api/tool/Transaction/, the transaction instance details can be inspected with a GET call to this instance. An example is shown in this section.

  • Some payload files and console output is truncated (indicated with ellipses or text: “snippets”).

  • Line breaks have been added to console output in the examples for better formatting.

  • The a selection of the MS Excel bulk load sheet LineRelation.xlsx columns are shown in a table.