Create MS Teams Service Account on Microsoft Cloud#

This procedure creates the Microsoft Teams admin user service account for VOSS Automate in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, and assigns the Teams Administrator role.


The PowerShell proxy server uses the Microsoft Teams service account to manage Microsoft Teams.


  • You will need at least the “User administrator” role.

To create the MS Teams user service account

  1. Use your MS account admin user to log in to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

  2. Go to Users > Active users, then click Add a user.

  3. Fill out user details:

    • Specify first name, last name, display name, and username (e.g. “voss-svc”).

    • Choose a domain. You can choose any domain in the drop-down, including the default “*” domain.

    • Create a password for the account.

    • Clear the checkbox that requires the user to change their password when they first sign in.


    • Make a note of the user name, domain name, and password you create. You’ll need these details when setting up the connection parameters in VOSS Automate. See Configure Microsoft Tenant Connection Parameters

    • There is no need to assign a license.

    • Assign the user with the Teams Administrator role.

  4. Save your changes to create the user.