Modify line data#


This API PATCH call updates the following device line information:

  • Line description

  • Line alerting name

  • Line alerting name ASCII

PATCH https://<hostname>/api/api/device/cucm/Line/{Line PKID}

Where {Line PKID} is the ID of the line to update.


Using device/cucm/Line/{Line PKID}#

Using this API call involves the following tasks:

  1. Identify the customer and the customer’s hierarchy, and the site and the site hierarchy.

  2. Resolve the line that needs to be modified, and modify line details, as required.

Step 1: Identify Customer+Customer Hierarchy and Site+Site Hierarchy#

  1. Fetch the list of customers to populate a drop-down list, and allow the user to select a customer from the list. <Customer Name>

    Refer to (GET) Customers (for deployments with or without HCM-F).

  2. Fetch available site hierarchies for the selected customer (<Customer Name>), and allow the user to select the relevant site.

    Refer to (GET) All Sites Belonging to the Customer

  3. Resolve <Customer Hierarchy> and <Site Hierarchy>.

    • <Customer Hierarchy> is the entry in the earlier step that ends with the <Customer Name>.

      For example, if <Customer Name> is Innovia, the <Customer Hierarchy> will be sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Innovia.

    • <Site Hierarchy> is the entry in the earlier step that the operator selects.

      For example, sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Innovia.INV-Reading

Step 2: Resolve the line that needs to be modified, and modify line details#

  1. Fetch the following line details from Automate, and present this data in separate fields:

    • Line record PKID

    • Line Pattern

    • Line Description

    • Line AlertingName

    • Line ASCIIAlerting Name

    Refer to (GET) All Line Details

  2. User selects a line, and for the selected line, resolve the value to <Line PKID>.

  3. For the selected line, the user can modify the following details to update the line:

    • A line description, at description, resolved to <Line Description Text>.

    • A line alerting name, at alertingName, resolved to <Line Alerting Text>

    • A line ASCII alerting name, at asciiAlertingName, resolved to <Line Alerting ASCII Text>


    Note the input conditions for these fields, at OpenAPI Example

Query parameters#





Request Payload (Body)#

The box lists all parameters that could be included in the call request. These parameters are described in the table below the box:

   "description": "<Line Description Text>",
   "alertingName": "<Line Alerting Text>",
   "asciiAlertingName": "<Line Alerting ASCII Text",
   "request_meta": {
         "external_id": "<id>",
         "external_reference": "<Reference>",
         "callback_url": "<url_string>",
         "callback_username": "<callback_username>",
         "callback_password": "<callback_password>"

The table describes the parameters in the request:






Line description.


Max 30 characters.


Line alerting name.


Max 30 characters.


Line alerting ASCII name.

Max 30 characters.


Callback details.


These details enable VOSS Automate to update the status when the initiated transaction is complete.