Add Port to Analog Gateway#

You can add a new port to a gateway located at site level, without prior knowledge of existing ports. This is useful on the higher density gateways, and in cases where a port is bulk loaded.

Supported Ports

  • VG2XX and VG3XX models (FXS ports) are supported, providing a range of port capacities, from 2 – 160 ports.

  • VG400 (8 ports max) and VG450 (144 ports max) models (FXS ports) are also supported

To add a port to an analog gateway:

  1. Go to (default menus) Apps Management > IOS > Add port to Analog Gateway.

  2. Choose a site.

  3. Fill out fields on the form:

    • Add a URI at Gateway Domain, and add a description for the analog gateway.

    • Choose owner user ID, and INI inventory filter.

    • In Directory Number specify the directory number to use for the new line.


      When selecting a Directory Number (DN) to add to a new port:

      • The next available DN from site level INI is pre-populated.

      • The Directory Number drop-down can be used to select alternative Directory Numbers.

      • If a bulk loader or form drop-down does not have the Directory Number field populated, the next number from site level INI is used. If this is not available, the next available number from customer level INI is used.

    • In Calling Search Space, fill out the Line CSS (if this is a new line).

    • Optionally, use one or more of the custom fields (Custom String or Custom Boolean) to configure additional fields, for example, to add a display name.

  4. Click Save.

    VOSS Automate checks for the first free port space on the gateway, and adds the port to the gateway.

    Once the transaction completes, a log entry shows the port number added.