Viewing Numbers#

You can view the number inventory and details of individual numbers by going to the relevant menu item - default menu Number Management > Number Inventory. You can see an overall view of the inventory including search capabilities. To see the specific details for a number including full usage information, you can select a number from the list view. When viewing a number’s details you will see:

  • The Number Details tab showing read-only details for the number. See Number Details.

  • The Usage tab provides a dynamic view of all the service(s) that are assigned to that number. This includes links to easily navigate to the service instance for further details or to unassign the number if required.


    If the same number is shared by multiple devices/services of the same type, only the first 10 instances will be displayed.

Unlike other list views in the system, you cannot add or delete numbers from this inventory view. This needs to be done via the Number Range Managment form - see Number Range Management.

Number Details#



Internal number

Numbers created in the number inventory are in VOSS Automate only. These are not synced to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM / CallManager).


Current status of the number. Options are:

  • Available

  • Used-Utility

  • Used

  • Cooling

  • Reserved


Optional, typically used to designate vendor-specific information for a device in a multi vendor setup.


Available and Usage is empty when a number is first added to the number inventory.


Displays E164 Associations (N to 1 DN), depending on the number of E164s associated and whether a primary E164 is set or not.

Release Date

Defines the date on which a number that is currently in Status: Cooling or Reserved will become available again.

Internal Number Type

Used in conjunction with the Vendor field. See the vendor specific section of Number Inventory topic for more details on usage in different vendor use cases.


A free text field, auto-populated when a new number or range of numbers is added. Used to identify or comment on a number or number range.


Free text field, available to provide additional information for a given number or range of numbers.

Reservation notes

A free text field, typically used to provide more details about a status Reserved number.


Extra1 to Extra9 fields are free text fields that are available to provide additional information for a given number or range of numbers.

Field Display Policies can be used to change the field names and also add tooltip help text to reflect how you want to use the fields.

Managed and Non-managed Number Inventory Fields#

Number Inventory data fields are of 2 types:

  • Managed - managed by VOSS Automate

    • Status - managed automatically by the system

    • Vendor - can be set on loading the range; afterwards it is managed automatically.

    • Usage - managed automatically

    • E164Number - if the number has an E164 number associated in the system it is shown here (read only). If not using E164 number inventory, then not relevant and you can hide the field.

    • Release Date - if the number is in Cooling, this is the date/time the number will become available - managed automatically. See number cooling for how to change the cooling status for a number.

    • Internal Number Type - set when adding then managed automatically if relevant.

  • Un-managed - not managed by the system include

    • Tag - free text and can be utilized as needed

    • Description - free text field that can be utilized as required for additional useful information

    • Extra 1-9 - free text field that can be utilized as required for additional useful information

      These additional useful information fields can be utilized to store any extra business information you require to store in the inventory with the numbers. This can be static data defined when the numbers are loaded or updated or it can be dynamically updated as the system manages the numbers (allocated to a user, unassigned, etc). For instance, the system provides some out-of-the-box options for description to utilize, or if you want to set a value in Extra1 when events happen in the system.

      See Number Inventory Flexibility and Description Customization on how to utilize this capability.

    If you are using any of the fields to store additional information, you can re-label the fields and include relevant help text for tool tips to be meaningful for administrators according to the data you are storing (e.g Billing ID if using a field for that) by means of a Field Display Policy for the relation/NumberInventory model.

For more details on the automated logic for managing status and usage, see Number Status and Usage.

Modify an individual number#

While viewing a number’s details, you can also modify settings on that individual number by selecting it. (To modify a range of numbers, see: Number Range Management.)

  • To reserve a number, click Reserve Number on the button bar of the number instance form.

  • Edit free text fields, for example: Tag, Description, Reservation notes, E164Number (if applicable), and Extra1 to Extra9.

Click Save.

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