Reset a CUCM PIN/password and/or CUC PIN#


This API POST call resets passwords and PINs for the following:

  1. CUCM (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) PIN, used for extension mobility

  2. CUCM (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) password for Jabber (if device is associated to a CUCM local user)

  3. CUC (Cisco Unified Unity) voicemail PIN

POST https://<hostname>/api/api/view/ResetUCPasswordPinVIEW


Using POST ResetUCPasswordPinVIEW#

Resetting a CUCM PIN/password and/or CUC PIN involves the following tasks:

  1. Identify the customer and the customer’s hierarchy.

  2. Define whether the password/PIN reset is for CUCM (Extension Mobility PIN and Jabber password) and/or CUC voicemail PIN.

  3. Resolve the user details and credentials.

  4. Allow user to fill out a PIN.

Step 1: Identify Customer+Customer Hierarchy#

  1. Fetch the list of customers and populate a drop-down list, and allow the user to select a customer from the list. <Customer Name>

    Refer to (GET) Customers (for deployments with or without HCM-F).

  2. Fetch available hierarchies for the selected customer (<Customer Name>).

    Refer to (GET) Available Hierarchies of a Customer

  3. Resolve <Customer Hierarchy>.

    <Customer Hierarchy> is the entry from step 2 that ends with the <Customer Name>).

    For example, if <Customer Name> is Innovia, the <Customer Hierarchy> will be sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Innovia.

Step 2: Define whether the password/PIN reset is for CUCM or CUC#

  1. The user is presented with two checkboxes on the GUI, one for CUCM and one for CUC.

    • <cucm_checkbox_boolean>

    • <cuc_checkbox_boolean>

  2. Users can select one or both checkboxes.

    When selected, set the value for the relevant fields to true, else, set to false.

Step 3: Resolve user details and credentials#

  1. Fetch all available users currently in the customer to populate the user_username drop-down, and allow the user to select a value.

    Refer to (GET) Usernames at Customer and Downwards (Customer hierarchy)

  2. Fetch user details stored in the system to identify whether it is a LDAP user or a local user.

    Refer to (GET) User Details

  3. Does the sync_type in the data returned contain the word “LDAP”?

    • Yes. Disable the password field, and do bot send <password_value> in the payload.

    • No. Keep the password field enabled, allowing the user to fill out a password, which resolves to <password_value> in the payload.

  4. Provide a text field titled “Voicemail/Extension Mobility PIN”, and allow the user to fill out a PIN, which resolves to <pin_value>.


    Validate form field to only allow numeric values.

Query parameters#





Request Payload (Body)#

The box lists all parameters that could be included in the call request. These parameters are described in the table below the box:

   "user": "<username>",
   "cucm": <cucm_checkbox_boolean>,
   "cuc": <cuc_checkbox_boolean>,
   "password": "<password_value>",
   "pin": "<pin_value>",
   "request_meta": {
      "external_id": "<id>",
      "external_reference": "<Reference>",
      "callback_url": "<url_string>",
      "callback_username": "<callback_username>",
      "callback_password": "<callback_password>"

The table describes the parameters in the request:






The username.





Defines whether the password/PIN reset is for CUCM. <cucm_checkbox_boolean>

Default is False. Set to True to reset a CUCM PIN or password.




Defines whether the password/PIN reset is for CUC. <cuc_checkbox_boolean>

Default is False. Set to True to reset a CUC PIN.


The Jabber password.


When value for <cucm_checkbox_boolean> is True, set the Jabber password in <password_value>.


The Extension Mobility or Voicemail PIN.


When value for <cucm_checkbox_boolean> and/or <cuc_checkbox_boolean> is True, set a numeric PIN for CUCM Extension Mobility and CUC voicemail.


Callback details.


These details enable VOSS Automate to update the status when the initiated transaction is complete.