Search in VOSS Automate#


You can run three types, or modes, of search from the search bar in the VOSS Automate GUI:

Search Mode


Action search


Searches for entries or actions available on the menus and landing pages.

Filter search

Choose from a predefined list of entities to launch a Filter dialog, where you can add additional criteria to filter results.

Global search

Performs a search based on all or part of a search term that queries the API for the relevant model and search criteria.

For further details, see:

To toggle between search modes, click the down-arrow at the search icon. The last used search mode and search criteria text is retained during the current session in the browser and when you log out and log in again.


Related Topics

Search Modes#

Search in Drop-Down Lists#

On forms where you select values from pre-populated, editable drop-down lists, VOSS Automate allows you to run a case-insensitive search to filter results.