Release Notes for VOSS Automate 21.4 Patch Bundle 1#

Release Overview#

These are the official release notes for:

  • Product: VOSS Automate

  • Release Version: 21.4 Patch Bundle 1

Release 21.4 PB1 is the first Patch Bundle release for the 21.4 release and contains the following highlights and enhancements:


  • Admin Portal Improvements

    • Admin Portal offers significant benefits over the Classic Admin interface and switching to the Admin Portal is highly recommended

    • Switch the layout between Panel and Tab display, Panel is now the default display

    • Combined Search modes into a single bar to streamline Search actions

    • Updates to VOSS default theme

    • Condition field added to Counters for Landing pages

  • Microsoft use case improvements and expansion

    • New use cases and improvements to existing use cases based on customer feedback - see below for more details

    • Flow Through Provisioning improvements

    • Offboarding improvements

    • Onboarding improvements for staged Users

    • Overbuild performance improvements

    • Call Group Support (under CallingSettings for user)

    • Microsoft dial plan elements in the dial plan templating tool

    • Powershell Proxy now uses secure communication by default

  • Webex Room Onboarding

    • Applies a configuration and activates the Webex RoomOS device with the Control Hub as part of the Room(Workspace) configuration

  • Write Back to Active Directory User during Quick Subscriber

    • Allows updates to be sent back to an Active Directory User during Cisco Quick Add Subscriber or Microsoft Quick Subscriber provisioning

Release Details#

Delta Platform

Version : 21.4.1

Build Number : 4063

Platform Version : 21.4.1-1679872563

Supported Upgrade Path:

The supported upgrade path for this Patch Bundle Upgrade is:

  • 21.4 => 21.4-PB1

Application Compatibility:

Refer to the Compatibility Matrix in the Core Feature Guide for all app compatibility and browser support.

Important Information#

  • Upon upgrade to release 21.4-PB1, all communication between VOSS Automate and the Windows PowerShell Proxy will default to HTTPS, requiring existing configurations to be updated.

    The port used for secure communication is TCP 5986 instead of TCP 5985 which is used for insecure HTTP.

    For existing PowerShell configurations with transport over HTTP, the driver parameter winrm_transport can be set to plaintext and can be manually added to the data/MSTeamsOnline instance to ensure backward compatibility temporarily.

    Reverting back to insecure communication is only recommended as a temporary measure while the PowerShell Proxy is being configured for secure communication. Switching to secure communication must form part of the upgrade planning process.

    • Contact VOSS support to assist in the reconfiguration of your winrm driver to insecure mode if required

  • Two key features in Automate 21.4 require specific planning:

    • Admin portal evolution and the deprecation of the Business Admin Portal

    • VOSS Automate license enforcement

    For upgrade planning steps, refer to the Upgrade Notes for VOSS Automate 21.4.

Features: Summary#

Automate Admin GUI#

  • EKB-15076: Add capability to switch between panel and tab display.

  • EKB-14959: Improve load time on Edit Multi Vendor Subscriber page.

  • EKB-14707: Combine the search modes into a single topbar input.

  • EKB-14699: Change default display to panels instead of tabs when a field display policy contains multiple groups.

  • EKB-14612: Hide the Global search option if tool/Search is not enabled in access profile.

  • EKB-14237: VOSS Automate default theme updates.

Automate Core#

  • EKB-5746: Enable and default the Microsoft PowerShell proxy to communicate over HTTPS.

  • EKB-15065: Fix license audit to use the correct relation keys between Microsoft models and data/User instances.

  • EKB-14921: Add entitlement profile into SDE files for Microsoft-only users (no Cisco).

  • EKB-12716: Add Description field for Landing page and Condition field to Counters section.

Automate Templates#

  • VOSS-1206: Number inventory pools shared by subset of sites at a customer.

  • VOSS-1124: Support Microsoft dial plan elements in generic dial plan.

  • VOSS-1122: Write to Active Directory as part of Quick Add/Subscriber from profile onboarding workflow.

  • VOSS-1100: Webex Room Onboarding.

  • EKB-15520: Enable Quick Import on default syncs for SyncMS365, SyncMS365Users, and SyncMSTeamsOnline.

  • EKB-15497: Add Multi Vendor Enhanced Provider Admin menu.

  • EKB-15435: Updates to MenuCustomerAdmin and MenuSiteAdmin.

  • EKB-15325: CsUserCallingSettings Call Group support.

  • EKB-15315: Add 10 custom string and boolean fields to Customer.

  • EKB-15271: Add Microsoft Quick Subscriber Retry and Wait.

  • EKB-15264: Set default display to tabs, for device/msteamsonline/CsAutoAttendant.

  • EKB-15209: Expand summary attributes of relation/MicrosoftTenant.

  • EKB-15191: Flow through provisioning does not support “welcome” email sending.

  • EKB-15170: Microsoft sync offboarding improvements.

  • EKB-15169: Flow through provisioning improvements for Azure Active Directory users.

  • EKB-15161: Remove site enforcement when running Quick Offboard Subscriber.

  • EKB-15153: Microsoft sync remove (UserMS365Remove / UserMSTeamsRemove), number inventory enhancements.

  • EKB-15136: Expand summary attributes of Customer relation.

  • EKB-15042: Expand summary attributes of Webex App Customer Access.

  • EKB-15034: Add application type to Resource Account summary attributes.

  • EKB-14916: Deleting relation/Subscriber should retain data/User if the user has other services, such as Microsoft, Webex, or Zoom.

  • EKB-14757: Microsoft Teams syncs with custom model instance filters take too long; all users are synced before the filter is applied.

  • EKB-14684: Add a card to the Multi Vendor Subscriber Edit page for User Calling Settings.

  • EKB-14509: Microsoft overbuild runs for an excessive amount of time.

Features: Detail#

Automate Admin GUI#

  • EKB-15076: Add capability to switch between panel and tab display. Added form action to allow user to switch between tab and panel layout on form views.

  • EKB-14959: Improve load time on Edit Multi Vendor Subscriber page. Improved load time on Edit Multi Vendor Subscriber page.

  • EKB-14707: Combine the search modes into a single topbar input. Updated the available search modes and combined these into a single input field, from where you can toggle between the different search modes.

  • EKB-14699: Change default display to panels instead of tabs when a field display policy contains multiple groups. Changed the default display to be panels instead of tabs when a field display policy has multiple groups configured. When the “Display Group As” setting in a field display policy is not set, the default is now “panels”. This behavior can be changed by setting this to “tabs” or “fieldset”.

  • EKB-14612: Hide the Global search option if tool/Search is not enabled in access profile. The Global search function is now disabled based on access profile permission.

  • EKB-14237: VOSS Automate default theme updates. Changed links and icons to use the panel text color instead of the primary color:

    • Changed the background image extension from .jpg to .png

    • Updated the panel and panel text colors

    • Removed the white background on the Login page input labels

    • Added a background for transparent images on the Theme page.

Automate Core#

  • EKB-5746: Enable and default the Microsoft PowerShell proxy to communicate over HTTPS. Communication between VOSS Automate and the Windows PowerShell proxy is now encrypted by default to use HTTPS, as recommended by Microsoft. The port used for secure communication is TCP 5986 instead of TCP 5985, which is used for insecure HTTP . To revert back to using insecure HTTP communication, post upgrade, a new driver parameter, “winrm_transport”, can be manually added to the data/MSTeamsOnline instance with a value of “plaintext”. Reverting back to insecure communication is only recommended as a temporary measure while the PowerShell proxy is configured for secure communication.

  • EKB-15065: Fix license audit to use the correct relation keys between Microsoft models and data/User instances. Fixes a mapping issue between a data/User instance and a Microsoft-related instance.

  • EKB-14921: Add entitlement profile into SDE files for Microsoft-only users (no Cisco). Adds Entitlement Profile field to the Subscriber Data Export for Microsoft-only type users for MS-0365 and MS-Teams outputs.

  • EKB-12716: Add Description field for Landing page and Condition field to Counters section. Added Condition field to Counters on Landing pages. Added Description field to Landing pages. Included Description field in summary attributes.

Automate Templates#

  • VOSS-1206: Number inventory pools shared by subset of sites at a customer. This feature supports the ability to add number inventory at intermediate nodes, which allows creation of groups of sites that share a common number inventory pool instead of having to choose only between a customer and site level inventory. Numbers will no longer be moved from customer or intermediate node when assigned to a user or service residing at site level. Administrators can now also decide where numbers should automatically be created during a sync, audit, or overbuild. Admins now have greater flexibility for controlling the levels where numbers are managed.

  • VOSS-1124: Support Microsoft dial plan elements in generic dial plan. Adds the ability to push and remove Microsoft Teams dial plan elements using generic dial plan, and includes the following elements: Tenant Dial Plan, SBC Gateways, PSTN Usage, Voice Routes, Voice Routing Policies, Translation Rules.

  • VOSS-1122: Write to Active Directory as part of Quick Add/Subscriber from profile onboarding workflow. Adds a new option to enable an imported Active Directory user to be updated, using a specified configuration template, during Cisco Quick Add Subscriber and Microsoft Quick Add Subscriber provisioning. This enables the chosen/auto-provisioned number inventory value to be written back to Active Directory to any of the user’s Telephone Number fields as an example.

  • VOSS-1100: Webex endpoint configuration. Adds the ability to apply a preset configuration, using a selectable Template, and register a Webex Room OS Device with the Webex Control Hub, as part of the Webex Workspace configuration.

  • EKB-15520: Enable Quick Import on default syncs for SyncMS365, SyncMS365Users, and SyncMSTeamsOnline. The default data syncs that are created when adding a tenant in order to pull in all O365 and Teams data, now have their MTL (Model Type List) removed. This means that all supported data for those tenants is synced in. The Azure (M365) data syncs now also have the “Quick Import” action enabled, which significantly improves performance of the sync. The Microsoft Teams data syncs have been updated to remove the default behavior of only syncing CSOnlineUsers with their “accountenabled” setting to TRUE. This causes a problem when trying to assign a number to a subscriber, but the number is already in use by a “accountenabled” = FALSE user. By syncing in all users, VOSS Automate will be aware of all numbers in use. This ensures an accurate number inventory and avoids attempts to assign duplicate numbers. If required, a Model Instance Filter (MIF) can be applied to the sync to limit to accountEnabled=TRUE, if you wish to maintain that behavior going forward.

  • EKB-15497: Add Multi Vendor Enhanced Provider Admin menu. Adds a new reference set of Multi Vendor-specific menus (MVS-EnhancedProviderMenu and MVS-OperationsCustomerMenu), home landing pages (MVS-EnhancedProviderAdmin-HomeLP, MVS-Operations-CustomerAdmin-Home-LP, MVS-Operations-CustomerAdmin-Home-MS-Only-LP) and a corresponding access profile for each new menu (MVS-EnhancedProviderAdminAP and MVS-OperationsCustomerAdminAP).

  • EKB-15435: Updates to MenuCustomerAdmin and MenuSiteAdmin. Updates the reference set of menu and landing pages to provide the same look and feel that was in the Business Admin Portal.

  • EKB-15325: CsUserCallingSettings Call Group support. Added User Calling Group management for User Calling Settings.

  • EKB-15315: Add 10 custom string and boolean fields to Customer. Added custom string and custom boolean fields to Customer.

  • EKB-15271: Add Microsoft Quick Subscriber Retry and Wait. Implemented Retry/Wait logic for Microsoft Quick subscriber, to limit the use of staging.

  • EKB-15264: Set default display to tabs, for device/msteamsonline/CsAutoAttendant. Changed default field display policy for device/msteamsonline/CsAutoAttendant to display groups as tabs.

  • EKB-15209: Expand summary attributes of relation/MicrosoftTenant. Expanded the summary attributes for Microsoft tenant (relation/MicrosoftTenant).

  • EKB-15191: Flow through provisioning does not support “welcome” email sending. Flow through provisioning will now always set the “Send Email” flag to True.

  • EKB-15170: Microsoft sync offboarding improvements. This improvement addresses the issue of syncing in users from the Microsoft cloud in a “deprovisioned” state. Either they have been deleted from the cloud, or their licenses have been revoked or their Telephone System service plan has been disabled. In these cases, our sync workflows now clean up the internal number inventory to accurately reflect the true state of the Microsoft cloud.

  • EKB-15169: Flow through provisioning improvements for Azure Active Directory users. This fix addresses an issue where users would not be provisioned automatically unless the sites where they reside were enabled for license management. License management is no longer a requirement for Flow through provisioning. Some minor additional improvements were made here in terms of users not yet synced in from Teams and handling number allocation when users get placed in to staging.

  • EKB-15161: Remove site enforcement when running Quick Offboard Subscriber. It is now possible to run Quick Offboard Subscriber at the Customer level. Administrators will no longer need to first select a site before executing the transaction.

  • EKB-15153: Microsoft sync remove (UserMS365Remove / UserMSTeamsRemove), number inventory enhancements. Fixes an issue with the internal number inventory when numbers are removed or changed from the Microsoft portal.

  • EKB-15136: Expand summary attributes of Customer relation. Expands the summary attributes for Customer (relation/HcsCustomerREL).

  • EKB-15042: Expand summary attributes of Webex App Customer Access. Adds additional fields to the summary attributes of Webex App Customer Access (relation/SparkCustomer).

  • EKB-15034: Add application type to Resource Account summary attributes. Adds application type to the list view page for resource accounts.

  • EKB-14916: Deleting relation/Subscriber should retain data/User if the user has other services, such as Microsoft, Webex, or Zoom. The local user is now retained if it is still attached to other applications, such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or Webex Teams.

  • EKB-14757: Microsoft Teams syncs with custom model instance filters take too long; all users are synced before the filter is applied. Filtering CsOnlineUser on a single UPN or samAccountName will now complete quickly.

  • EKB-14684: Add a card to the Multi Vendor Subscriber Edit page for User Calling Settings. Adds Microsoft User Calling Settings card to Multi Vendor Subscriber.

  • EKB-14509: Microsoft overbuild runs for an excessive amount of time. Improves the performance of the overbuild for Microsoft-related models.

Defects Fixed: Detail#

Automate Admin GUI#

  • EKB-15468: When a restricted user viewing a phone hits the browser refresh button the restricted FDP is ignored on refresh. Fixes an issue where model type defaults set in Landing page links are not honored until the link is clicked.

  • EKB-15462: When portal default is set to Admin and/or Classic disabled classic UI comes up on SSO login. Fixes an issue where general SSO URL redirection went to Classic GUI instead of Portal.

  • EKB-15322: Headset Enablement transfer box is not showing when using Panel display. Fixed empty transfer boxes being hidden on forms using Panels layout.

  • EKB-15233: Export to Excel formatted ignores FDP when using Portal. Field display policies are now applied to exports from form and list views.

  • EKB-14903: Adv.Subscriber: Add Phone with Mobile Identity and / or Remote Destination. Nested arrays will no longer open multiple popups.

  • EKB-14833: Classic Portal does not load once logged into Portal and changing URL to /portal-classic. Fixes an issue where changing the URL to /portal-classic does not load once logged into Admin Portal.

  • EKB-14746: Configurable filters applied to a menu layout do not apply the filter correctly. Fixes an issue where filters couldn’t be removed in the Filter dialog. Fixes an issue where empty configurable filter values were not ignored when filtering.

  • EKB-14745: Save Filters tooltip needs to describe how to access them once saved. Updated “Saved Searches” tooltip.

  • EKB-14744: Random text appearing in model instance header. Updated the breadcrumb title.

  • EKB-13820: Schedule bulk loader is not available. Scheduling enabled on bulk load form.

  • EKB-11198: GUI does not retain column size for a list where some of the columns are hidden after opening a page. GUI retains the column widths when resized.

Automate Core#

  • EKB-15667: CUCM User field userIdentity not indexed causing inefficient queries. Fixes an issue where macro lookup queries resulted in an inefficient query when matching CUCM User userIdentity field.

  • EKB-15626: Microsoft O365 SDE file license data empty when no disabled service plans. Fixes the ‘Licenses’ field in the MS O365 SDE report. If all licenses for an account SKU are enabled, then the ‘account_sku_id’ for this SKU is not displayed.

  • EKB-15537: The test connection function of the ‘NfsDestination’ data model is not working as expected. Fixes the test connection function of the data/NfsDestination model.

  • EKB-15454: Add additional items to device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser denylist and improve logging for device model updates. Log the reason for a workflow execution during an update sync.

  • EKB-15198: Landing page, Counters filter not working in the Admin Portal. Fixed Landing page counter filters to include configurable filters.

  • EKB-15091: Adding UnityConnection Schedule failed as “operator” user was moved to a Site: Error locationobjectid_invalidobjectid. Fixes an issue where Auto-Attendant Schedules cannot be created, modified or removed when the operator voicemail account is not accessible.

  • EKB-15069: Update Subscriber fails when user exists at Provider level with userPrincipalName contains the same prefix as a user with matching sAMAccountName below. This fix ensures LDAP device data lookup only for LDAP-synced users.

  • EKB-14801: Schedule does not execute if Last Execution Time and Next Execution Time are equal. This change allows for recalculation of next execution time when last executed and next execution are equal.

  • EKB-14666: Update CUCM or CUC fails intermittently with SSLError(‘bad handshake: ZeroReturnError. Retries connections to CUCM or CUC if a ‘bad handshake’ error occurs.

  • EKB-14643: Issue with “re-Onboarding” customer from Automate to Insights. Fixes an issue where an already on-boarded asset on Arbitrator would report an error when on-boarded again.

Automate Licensing#

  • EKB-15580: LICENSE REPORT: FAILED : Audit File Report Failed. Fixes a timeout issue caused by changes made to License Super Patch version 4.1.9.

Automate Platform#

  • EKB-14920: Timeout failure configuring the testbed agent as a DNS server. Performance improvement on DNS change.

Automate Templates#

  • EKB-15511: Presence is disabled when Webex calling behavior is changed for a subscriber. Fixes an issue where changing the calling behavior of a subscriber causes IM and Presence to be set to False on CUCM (CallManager).

  • EKB-15414: Some drop-downs do not populate in Microsoft dial plan data models, and do not allow custom values. Fixes an issue where certain drop-downs were not populated.

  • EKB-15400: MicrosoftSubscriberQas, skip INI number move if target site is a linked site. The INI now will not be moved to the child linked site.

  • EKB-15321: Cisco-Microsoft, update AutoAttendant Pilot DPA template, MS-Teams-Site-AutoAttendant-wOutbound-Pilot-Number (to set Choices to Auto_Attendant_Pilot). ‘Auto_Attendant_Pilot’ is listed as a choice in the VOSS GUI when provisioning Cisco-Microsoft hybrid numbers.

  • EKB-15311: When cloning a CSS the partitions are set to blank. Fixes an issue where cloning a CSS removes all source CSS route partitions.

  • EKB-15239: Update call handler validation error when a route list is not selected. Fixes an update Call Handler validation error issue when no route list was specified.

  • EKB-15190: Microsoft QAS staging does not work with welcome email. Fixes an issue where email was not sent to a user via staging.

  • EKB-15186: Bulk loading a number range with status “Reserved” fails for sites using HCS Type 2 dial plan (ISP+SLC+EXTN). Fixes an issue with bulk adding a number range with status of “Reserved” at sites using Type 2 HCS dial plan (ISP+SLC+EXTN).

  • EKB-15181: Cannot redirect Microsoft Auto Attendant to voicemail for “after hours” or holidays. Fixes an issue where incoming calls cannot be redirected to Voicemail for After Hours Call Flow and Holiday Call Flows.

  • EKB-15172: Number Inventory - number being put into cooling clears vendor and internal number type fields. Fixes an issue where the Number Type and Vendor fields are cleared on Number Inventory when the number is moved into Cooling state.

  • EKB-15152: Delete of Webex App Customer Access does not remove schedule SyncSparkDevice-SCHED-XXXX. Fixes an issue where deleting a Webex App Customer Access does not remove schedule SyncSparkDevice-SCHED-XXXX.

  • EKB-15080: Adding or updating a Holiday call handler schedule does not set required days to “Active”. Fixes an issue where Cisco Unity’s Holiday schedules were not being activated.

  • EKB-14982: Updates to ModSubscriberPreValidationPWF and CheckPhoneWebexTeamsJabberValidationPWF. Fixes a Webex App issue where API-based calls to update subscriber was failing on a validation-check, as well as another Webex App issue where adding Jabber CSF devices were not handled correctly.

  • EKB-14948: Unable to create EMCC group for SME customer. Fixes an issue when adding EMCC group and the CUCM server name and host values differ.

  • EKB-14911: Add Subscriber fails with “User not entitled to Fixed Mobile Convergence”, although FMC is not configured. Fixes an issue where Add Subscriber fails FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence) entitlement checks for build-outs that do not have the FMC adaptation configured.

  • EKB-14905: Delete directory number fails if the same value exists at two different sites and one has E164 association. Fixes an issue where deleting a number was incorrectly causing an E164 validation error when there was no E164 association present.

  • EKB-14890: Enabling headset service succeeds but service is not enabled on CUCM 14.0. Enabling headset service should now work for all versions of CUCM (CallManager).

  • EKB-14855: Export UC service profile is missing mandatory fields in CUCM14. Fixes an issue where exporting a UC service profile, device/cucm/ServiceProfile, does not contain the new mandatory fields added in CUCM 14.0.

  • EKB-14758: Remove site defaults “Auto Delete VOSS4UC User” checkbox. Removed the checkbox that controls the VOSS user deletion from the MS Teams tab on the the Site Defaults Doc GUI.

  • EKB-14564: HybridMultiVendorVIEW, validation rule prevents switch back from hybrid to Cisco profile when MSOL or CSOL users are deleted. Fixes an issue where validation rule prevents switch back from hybrid to Cisco profile, when MSOL or CSOL users are deleted.

  • EKB-14558: Onboarding Arbitrator impacts “Cisco Syslog Agent” in CUCM enterprise parameters. Fixes an issue where syslog agent is overwritten when adding additional Arbitrators on CUCM.

  • EKB-14487: Quick Add Subscriber for Webex App fails if entitlement is not configured. Fixes an issue where adding Webex App via Quick Add Subscriber fails when entitlement profiles are not in use.

  • EKB-14485: Call Handler, Upload Greeting, greeting file displays all data/File. Fixes an issue where Greeting File selection drop-down showed all files uploaded into VOSS Automate. This will now only show .wav files.

  • EKB-14443: SyncSparkUsersXXX and SyncSparkXXXX should have Quick Import set to False otherwise “Calling Behavior” is not updated for each User. Fixes an issue where SyncSpark (user related) data syncs do not update the user’s “Calling Behavior” setting on execution.

  • EKB-14435: In Quick Add Subscriber, customer-level user fails to move to site if multiple remote destinations exist with same name. Fixes an issue where Move Subscriber fails if the subscriber is associated with multiple remote destinations that have the same name.

  • EKB-14322: Number inventory management, cannot delete DNs for SLC-based dial plan. This fix allows for specification of extension or full DN when deleting a number inventory range.

  • EKB-12655: LDAP user name change fails for LDAP integrated Unity Connection voicemail user. Fixes an issue where LDAP user sync would fail if user has LDAP-integrated voicemail and username changes on LDAP.

  • EKB-12420: In Move Subscriber, the OwnerUserName is not set when adding a new phone and old desk phone at source site remains associated. Fixes an issue in Move Subscriber where applying default templates in Configuration Mappings results in phones not being associated correctly.