Introduction to Overbuild#


VOSS Automate’s overbuild tool allows Provider and Reseller administrators to integrate vendor system components into VOSS Automate, without re-provisioning, if required.

Sites must be included in an overbuild via the site’s site default settings, via either of the following:

  • Overbuild > Site Defaults

  • Site Management > Defaults > Overbuild Defaults tab

Related Topics

Scheduling Overbuild#

The first time you run the overbuild, an overbuild schedule is automatically created for a customer in VOSS Automate. You can configure the schedule to run at a predefined interval, instead of running it manually.

Typically, this is done if you’re expecting a consistent stream of additions of resources in the underlying applications.

The scheduled overbuild allows the system to move the new resources that are synced in to the correct site if they match the overbuild criteria. This is the same as running the overbuild manually.

The default schedule (named “Overbuild_CustomerSchedule”) is disabled. You can review the schedule details, update the frequency and other schedule details, and then activate it if you would like to schedule it to run.

The scheduled version of overbuild executes the overbuild process for the customer, using the overbuild settings in the site’s site defaults, with the same result as manually invoking overbuild in the Admin Portal (via the Run Overbuild action, “All Enabled Sites Using Site Defaults Doc Overbuild Settings”).

Moving Model Instances#

If the Move operation is enabled for a model, instances can be moved from its current hierarchy level to another level. Data models, Device models and Relations can be enabled for the Move operation. For lists of objects moved during a move operation, see Objects Moved During the Overbuild for data and device models, and Moving Subscriber Management Models for Subscriber Management models.

Instances can only be moved up in the hierarchy if the administrator is at a higher hierarchy. For example, for an instance at level cust1.site1 and the level cust1.site2 also exists, then the user needs to be at level cust1 to carry out a move of this instance ‘sideways’ to cust1.site2 by going up and back down the hierarchy levels.

The move is typically used in conjunction with data sync, which pulls the entities in, for example users, phones, dial plan, and so on. By default the entities reside at the level of the cluster, so the move feature allows them to be allocated to a different hierarchy (if needed).

Move Rules#

From the user interface, the following move rules apply:

  • On the Admin Portal, the only option shown on the drop-down is to move an item to a lower hierarchy.

  • For the core application and the Overbuild tool:

    • LDAP device models can be moved to a hierarchy that is at or below the hierarchy where the device is located, regardless of the Network Device List Reference (NDLR).

    • Non-LDAP device models can be moved to a hierarchy where the device is located.

    • Non-LDAP device models can be moved to a hierarchy where the NDLR references the associated device.

    • Other instances at a hierarchy node can only be moved to a hierarchy that is below their current hierarchy.

Once the resource is moved, the metadata of all the resources at the moved hierarchy and below is updated to indicate the latest changes in the hierarchy path.


For User Management local administrators and users, where the language is derived from the default hierarchy language, the default language is recalculated based on the new hierarchy tree location.

Moving Subscriber Management Models#

Administrators have permissions to manually move these Subscriber Management Menu models:

  • Lines

  • Voicemail

  • WebEx

  • Webex App

  • Hunt Groups

  • Call Pickup Groups

It is recommended that you use the dedicated tools to move subscribers and phones between customer and site hierarchy levels.

Moving Subscriber Management List View Items#

  1. Log in as a Customer Administrator or higher.

  2. Choose the hierarchy level of the Subscriber Management menu item from which you want to move the items.

  3. From the list view, choose the items to be moved by selecting the check boxes next to the items.

  4. Click Action > Move. A form prompts you to choose the target hierarchy from a drop-down list.

  5. Choose the target hierarchy and click OK.

The items are moved to the selected hierarchy, and will then be shown in their new hierarchy.